Eblogger isnt letting me load my photo's, so I will have a better post up ASAP. I May take a vow of silence for 2 weeks depending on If i can get Internet at my Vacation spot.
If Not, Have a safe and happy New Year! May 2010 Bring you many more AWESOME vintage finds! And Get Read for the 2010 "Casablanca Family Reunion!" (more to come on that later....
If So I'll be posting My entire vacation, and all the crazy cool stuff I find!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
What a Christmas!
Well Dear bloggers Christmas day has finally been upon us! What a wonderful Joyous season It is! the last 3 days have been CRAZY!
Tuesday I went to the Casablanca and painted!
Wednesday as a present to myself I went to Big lots and bought the Couch! ON SALE! $200 I love the way it doesn't stick out like its overly obvious its form 2009 and not 1956, In fact it blends in nicely! (I almost didn't want to show you this picture, because I'm going to do a big reveal once the room is finally done, But I think you should see!)

Thursday: WE GOT 16 INCHES OF SNOW!!!!! Haha On Wednesday it had been 68 degrees, then all of a sudden BOOM blizzard!

Friday: were Snowed in and The Kansas Trip has been pushed back until we can get out! But it is a Very Merry White Christmas! (I swear if the local radio station Play "Im dreaming of a white Christmas" JUST ONE MORE TIME.... im going to hitch a team of rabbits to my sled and go after the DJ haha!)
I hope all of you have had a wonderful day! Let us not forget the reason for the season! Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to dig out of the snow and get on our way to Kansas!
Tuesday I went to the Casablanca and painted!
Wednesday as a present to myself I went to Big lots and bought the Couch! ON SALE! $200 I love the way it doesn't stick out like its overly obvious its form 2009 and not 1956, In fact it blends in nicely! (I almost didn't want to show you this picture, because I'm going to do a big reveal once the room is finally done, But I think you should see!)
Thursday: WE GOT 16 INCHES OF SNOW!!!!! Haha On Wednesday it had been 68 degrees, then all of a sudden BOOM blizzard!
Friday: were Snowed in and The Kansas Trip has been pushed back until we can get out! But it is a Very Merry White Christmas! (I swear if the local radio station Play "Im dreaming of a white Christmas" JUST ONE MORE TIME.... im going to hitch a team of rabbits to my sled and go after the DJ haha!)
I hope all of you have had a wonderful day! Let us not forget the reason for the season! Hopefully tomorrow we'll be able to dig out of the snow and get on our way to Kansas!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Dear readers,
Today I'm going to introduce you to one of my dearest Childhood friends Miss Colleen O!

We've been Friends since age 6! We've always had talent, both of us fell in to the theatrical category and she also obtained great appreciation in literary works! After much prodding she's started a blog to share her brain children and to hear others thoughts and comments to improve her work. I'm just thrilled to be able to host her on my blog, and I hope all of you will take a look at her blog! Shes currently working on a piece titled "Nettle" and thus far its an adventurous read!
Her Blog is titled " Dicourses of the Mind "
and you can find it here:
More followers for her blog would Be an excellent Christmas present!
Well I want to wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas, 'Happy Holiday' (as Bing Crosby would say, or sing rather!), and a Happy New Year!
From me to all of you...
"May you Aluminum Tree be shiny and bright, and may all your Christmas' be white!"
Today I'm going to introduce you to one of my dearest Childhood friends Miss Colleen O!

We've been Friends since age 6! We've always had talent, both of us fell in to the theatrical category and she also obtained great appreciation in literary works! After much prodding she's started a blog to share her brain children and to hear others thoughts and comments to improve her work. I'm just thrilled to be able to host her on my blog, and I hope all of you will take a look at her blog! Shes currently working on a piece titled "Nettle" and thus far its an adventurous read!
Her Blog is titled " Dicourses of the Mind "
and you can find it here:
More followers for her blog would Be an excellent Christmas present!
Well I want to wish you all a VERY Merry Christmas, 'Happy Holiday' (as Bing Crosby would say, or sing rather!), and a Happy New Year!
From me to all of you...
"May you Aluminum Tree be shiny and bright, and may all your Christmas' be white!"
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I'll have a Blue Christmas- but it's a GOOD THING!
Oh my dear readers...
The Ifrst half Of our Blog today I will entitle "The Perils of Lowes Paints"
Act one:
So Sunday I go over to have my paint color matched. I go to Lowes because I am a BIG believer in Vlaspar Paints. I get to the paint section and first try to find a match on my own. After about 15 minuets I realize its time to have my sample matched.
I press the "button for assistance" I kid you not 20 MINUETS later an associate comes to help me ... to bad she was "yavett the wondering wonder from Brooklyn" Ugh she says "Yes young man?" and I hold up this nutcracker I had brought in to have the color matched and I say "I need a custom ma-"
Before I finish she says "I cant match that... it wont fit in the machine...." AND STARTS TO WALK AWAY...
And I say "Ma'am What about this?" and hold Up a picture I had brought of turquoise water.
She looks over her rimmed glasses and says "Nope, the machine will just pull the white out of the picture... your best bet is the wall of samples...Have you been there?"
I say "yes ma'am but threes nothing close, I wonder does val spar have collection series'?"
She says "A WHAT?!"
I say "A collection series, for example Sherwin Williams has a "Historic collection of paint pallets for period homes, Mine was built in 1956 and im wanting to pick some original colors..."
She says " Sherwin williams is a registered and copy writed name... we dont sell it"
(And I think to myself, WOW thats all you took away from what I JUST said?!)
So I say" Im not looking for sherwin willams im asking if VAL SPAR has a collection like that for period homes."
She says "Young man, im afraid you just going to have to try your luck with the wall, here i'll help you"
(so we go over to the wall...)
She picks a paint chip thats entitled "Royal Purple" and says "OH HERE I FOUND IT!" I say "ma'am that is NOT Turquoise..."
She says "Well turquoise is a registered name, and we dont sell it"
(Well while she goes to look for my turquoise in the EMERALD GREEN section... I spot the "Valspar paints Historical Homes guide" I flip through it and Find for 1956 "Bayside Turquoise" mind you this in an hour after arguing with the ever so helpful sales lady... I finally get her to mix the paint and as im going away she says "I don't believe that..." I asked what it was and she says "I was 16 in 1956 and that color DEFIANTLY wasn't around... As nice and clam as I could I said "well they must have goofed... good day"...
-Ugh all in the name of 50's perfection.....-
Well today I was off So I went and painted the bedroom, here is the before...


Now After!

I LOVE this color! My camera doesn't do it Justice, But If the Color Were a season, it would be summer. If it were a song it would be "Rock Around the Clock".
Amazing! Can't wait to go to Kansas and Find some cool stuff to put in it!
Sorry for such a long post! Had lots to tell! Now thoughts? questions?!
The Ifrst half Of our Blog today I will entitle "The Perils of Lowes Paints"
Act one:
So Sunday I go over to have my paint color matched. I go to Lowes because I am a BIG believer in Vlaspar Paints. I get to the paint section and first try to find a match on my own. After about 15 minuets I realize its time to have my sample matched.
I press the "button for assistance" I kid you not 20 MINUETS later an associate comes to help me ... to bad she was "yavett the wondering wonder from Brooklyn" Ugh she says "Yes young man?" and I hold up this nutcracker I had brought in to have the color matched and I say "I need a custom ma-"
Before I finish she says "I cant match that... it wont fit in the machine...." AND STARTS TO WALK AWAY...
And I say "Ma'am What about this?" and hold Up a picture I had brought of turquoise water.
She looks over her rimmed glasses and says "Nope, the machine will just pull the white out of the picture... your best bet is the wall of samples...Have you been there?"
I say "yes ma'am but threes nothing close, I wonder does val spar have collection series'?"
She says "A WHAT?!"
I say "A collection series, for example Sherwin Williams has a "Historic collection of paint pallets for period homes, Mine was built in 1956 and im wanting to pick some original colors..."
She says " Sherwin williams is a registered and copy writed name... we dont sell it"
(And I think to myself, WOW thats all you took away from what I JUST said?!)
So I say" Im not looking for sherwin willams im asking if VAL SPAR has a collection like that for period homes."
She says "Young man, im afraid you just going to have to try your luck with the wall, here i'll help you"
(so we go over to the wall...)
She picks a paint chip thats entitled "Royal Purple" and says "OH HERE I FOUND IT!" I say "ma'am that is NOT Turquoise..."
She says "Well turquoise is a registered name, and we dont sell it"
(Well while she goes to look for my turquoise in the EMERALD GREEN section... I spot the "Valspar paints Historical Homes guide" I flip through it and Find for 1956 "Bayside Turquoise" mind you this in an hour after arguing with the ever so helpful sales lady... I finally get her to mix the paint and as im going away she says "I don't believe that..." I asked what it was and she says "I was 16 in 1956 and that color DEFIANTLY wasn't around... As nice and clam as I could I said "well they must have goofed... good day"...
-Ugh all in the name of 50's perfection.....-
Well today I was off So I went and painted the bedroom, here is the before...
Now After!
I LOVE this color! My camera doesn't do it Justice, But If the Color Were a season, it would be summer. If it were a song it would be "Rock Around the Clock".
Amazing! Can't wait to go to Kansas and Find some cool stuff to put in it!
Sorry for such a long post! Had lots to tell! Now thoughts? questions?!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Lets try this again... With some pictures!
The Winner of the Postcard give away is Vintage Christine!
BUT since we are in the midst of Christmas, if you too would like to receive a Casablanca Postcard Send me your info at
(TRUST ME YOU WANT THIS NEW POSTCARD) Infact it is So top Secret for the 2010 Casablanca season, I cant even just post the picture on here for you all to enjoy! Not even the other Casablancians have seen it!
So hurry hurry and Send me your info before I go on vacation and am not able to check the Blog-O~!
Also Here is the Color I picked for the Bedroom den re-do... My camera couldn't quite capture the color, but its number 5006 of the Valspar Paints titled "Bayside" and is part of their 'Heritage" series.
Im very pleased with this color! I think its gonna look fantastic! Tomorrow I will have to post the story of the nock down drag out fight I had with the sails lady at Lowes... to tied you over for the moment lets just say "Their match color commercials are VERY deceiving...."
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Our local drugstore was OUT of postcard paper... so sadly you will only be reciving the "picture portion" of the poscards, sad i know, but the picture is the best part!
Now Drum roll Please!
vintage christine come on down! Send me your info Gal!
email: JahJah_jordan@hotmail.com
my sister and 'The Fadora of Fate' have spoken!
Christine wins the complelet Postcard set!
But since its so close to Christmas, If you'll email me your adress I'll send you one of our collector cards too!
Just title the subject line "Postcard".
This was a lot of fun, I'll have to host another give away soon!
Our local drugstore was OUT of postcard paper... so sadly you will only be reciving the "picture portion" of the poscards, sad i know, but the picture is the best part!
Now Drum roll Please!
vintage christine come on down! Send me your info Gal!
email: JahJah_jordan@hotmail.com
my sister and 'The Fadora of Fate' have spoken!
Christine wins the complelet Postcard set!
But since its so close to Christmas, If you'll email me your adress I'll send you one of our collector cards too!
Just title the subject line "Postcard".
This was a lot of fun, I'll have to host another give away soon!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Mile Stone Thursday!
Im So excited! 25 Followers, I think a Give away drawing is in order!
But First! Some Tuesday Afternoon finds! A Friend and I "Checked in" (Thanks Stan, haha I can stop saying that!) At the C.H.&R. for a Tuesday Wednesday visit. We happened to come across across an estate sale at the lake.... So we went a looking.
The first thing I spot, these 2 chrome chairs! Im pretty sure they come form the 1940's Actual retail price?! $5 for the pair.

I walk into what used to be a bedroom, And I see this gold trim and hairpin legs, apparently I was in such a state of shock I shoved a nun out of the way to get to it! haha Not really but I did make a mad dash over too it! I have always wanted a Boomerang table, and actually had plans to make one next year for the Den... heres the top!

and from the side, look at the gold chrome!LOVE IT! Actual retail price...(are you sitting down... you provably should...) $1.00!

I also Picked up Some 50's Tupperware tumblers that match some I have,a red and white enameled pot with matching lid, I found a metal frame that has a display light at the top. I think a picture of the last supper goes in it... I also snatched up this little Pyrex container... Actual retail price?! $2.00

When I was checking out the lady in charge raised her eyebrow at me with my pyrex plate, and she said "What are you gonna do with that" And I smiled and said "Life looks great through a Pyrex Plate!"
I spent a whole $8.00! That Coffee table is going to go in the Den. you guys have NO idea how happy it make me! haha
Now for the give Away.... I'll follow midCentury Madam, I'll put all the people who comment on this post in the drawing... I'll let it go for 2 or 3 days. The I will let my Non-biased sister will pick a name out of a cup!
For the First Giveaway how about a complete Set of Casablanca postcards...

There are about 6 commemorative Postcards all together, Not just of the Drive-In but the sprawling Estates of the Casablanca and surrounding Lake Diversion! Each Is a Technicolor "retro-riffic" (Thanks Stan) blast from the Past! So Just leave a comment to enter!
But First! Some Tuesday Afternoon finds! A Friend and I "Checked in" (Thanks Stan, haha I can stop saying that!) At the C.H.&R. for a Tuesday Wednesday visit. We happened to come across across an estate sale at the lake.... So we went a looking.
The first thing I spot, these 2 chrome chairs! Im pretty sure they come form the 1940's Actual retail price?! $5 for the pair.
I walk into what used to be a bedroom, And I see this gold trim and hairpin legs, apparently I was in such a state of shock I shoved a nun out of the way to get to it! haha Not really but I did make a mad dash over too it! I have always wanted a Boomerang table, and actually had plans to make one next year for the Den... heres the top!
and from the side, look at the gold chrome!LOVE IT! Actual retail price...(are you sitting down... you provably should...) $1.00!
I also Picked up Some 50's Tupperware tumblers that match some I have,a red and white enameled pot with matching lid, I found a metal frame that has a display light at the top. I think a picture of the last supper goes in it... I also snatched up this little Pyrex container... Actual retail price?! $2.00
When I was checking out the lady in charge raised her eyebrow at me with my pyrex plate, and she said "What are you gonna do with that" And I smiled and said "Life looks great through a Pyrex Plate!"
I spent a whole $8.00! That Coffee table is going to go in the Den. you guys have NO idea how happy it make me! haha
Now for the give Away.... I'll follow midCentury Madam, I'll put all the people who comment on this post in the drawing... I'll let it go for 2 or 3 days. The I will let my Non-biased sister will pick a name out of a cup!
For the First Giveaway how about a complete Set of Casablanca postcards...
There are about 6 commemorative Postcards all together, Not just of the Drive-In but the sprawling Estates of the Casablanca and surrounding Lake Diversion! Each Is a Technicolor "retro-riffic" (Thanks Stan) blast from the Past! So Just leave a comment to enter!
Monday, December 14, 2009
"All I Want for Christmas"
Well... Iv got my two front teeth... so here's a few thinks iv been searching for...
Since My freshman year in high school I have been on the HUNT for a Sunburst Clock!

The Sad part is I had one! My Great Grandmother passed away in 1999, they ended up having an estate sale, but "us kids" were aloud to go through and pick out a few sentimental things to keep. Well My first thing Was this clock! It has been out in the garage(turned play house) and always loved it... I picked this, along with an aluminum Christmas tree, and a Bed frame. Well before I could load these TREASURES into my moms car... she says (this infamous quote iv heard all my life) "WHAT IS A ____ YEAR OLD GONNA DO WITH THAT CRAP....NO PUT IT BACK..." Well 'mother knows best' and they were gone... BUT BELIEVE ME... I brought this up when I paid $80 for 4ft aluminum tree, when I once had a 6 ft FOR FREE! Good news: Iv found one just like this on Ebay, bad news its $90...and PLEASE DON'T READ THIS AND GO SNATCH IT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!
Theres a cheap plastic nock off... its only 14" tall... and its NOT gold...( The gold is a big thing to me!) I thought maybe I could get it and spray paint it gold... but its just not the same...

What do you guys think? Pay $90 and love it, or $20 and be sensible....
Also If you could have one vintage gift, what would it be?!
Since My freshman year in high school I have been on the HUNT for a Sunburst Clock!

The Sad part is I had one! My Great Grandmother passed away in 1999, they ended up having an estate sale, but "us kids" were aloud to go through and pick out a few sentimental things to keep. Well My first thing Was this clock! It has been out in the garage(turned play house) and always loved it... I picked this, along with an aluminum Christmas tree, and a Bed frame. Well before I could load these TREASURES into my moms car... she says (this infamous quote iv heard all my life) "WHAT IS A ____ YEAR OLD GONNA DO WITH THAT CRAP....NO PUT IT BACK..." Well 'mother knows best' and they were gone... BUT BELIEVE ME... I brought this up when I paid $80 for 4ft aluminum tree, when I once had a 6 ft FOR FREE! Good news: Iv found one just like this on Ebay, bad news its $90...and PLEASE DON'T READ THIS AND GO SNATCH IT AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!
Theres a cheap plastic nock off... its only 14" tall... and its NOT gold...( The gold is a big thing to me!) I thought maybe I could get it and spray paint it gold... but its just not the same...

What do you guys think? Pay $90 and love it, or $20 and be sensible....
Also If you could have one vintage gift, what would it be?!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Kell House Musuem
I am Sooooo fortunate to be able to volunteer here!
This is the Kell Family home, (They along with the Kemps are responsible for what Wichita Falls Is today)
The House was built in 1909 and we are celebrating its 100th year! The Exterior of the house is Neo-Classical, with the interiors being Victorian and Craftsman of the family's own design.
This place is Stunning! I tell every one I know, NOT only is it like stepping back in time, But its also like being on a movie set! (The Kells Were Very Wealthy in their day) and the house, along with its Furnishings have been kept in pristine condition! (95% of the Furnishings in the house ARE ORIGINAL! In the 1920's the family redecorated some of the rooms, but most of the house is original to the 1909, with the 1920's redecoration plans, and the interiors reflect both Formality and Elegance of the time.
If your ever in Wichita Falls Texas you really should stop by!
You do have to pay admission, and the tours are around 45 min! its a wonderful place to spend an afternoon.
You can read more here!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Just a Lazy Saturday....
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Some new direction...
Iv been thinking, and 9 times out of 10 thats pretty dangerous! haha
Every room in the Casablanca (all 3) has been overhauled at least 2 times, The first time, when I moved in at 15 and just wanted be rebellious and paint, and the second time 17 - now When I decide I wanted my house to look like a proper house.
Well Now that the "Lounge, and kitchen are 'finished' (cuz lets face it i'll never be done haha) Its time to take a second look at the "Den" and bedroom.
Heres what I have now....

The Paint is a special mixed color called "Radio City Red", I had it matched to the color of the velvet walls in the Lobby of Radio City Music Hall in NY.

It is my MOST favorite place in the world! At one time the ceiling was going to be covered in gold leaf (just like the one at radio city) but then it became to expensive and I just put this room on hold.
Well Now that the "Den" has been created, Im thinking its time for a change! The Room was added to the house in 1956 -57 and between the "casabalancians" (- one who goes to the Casablanca) there is an EPIC battle going. The girls are wanting a color called "Pink Palace" its a very pale shade, and it looks VERY 50's (But I worry its not manly enough for the rest of the house. Where as the guys are wanting this turquoise blue color. Yesterday I found inspiration in "Mary Deluxe' Living room! I love everything in it, but my budget doesn't allow us to put a wainscoting of white around the room.
Also all my fixtures I have found and saved over the years are Creme and Gold, (gold and pink would look nice) But If we end up doing the Blue do you readers think the Gold would "clash" with Turquoise?
Do you have any Ideas?! and paint colors, you might think would look good in this room?
I can tell you, the twin beds are undergoing a makeover, they will be with out foot boards, and only have head boards (any ideas?) I had planned on either making headboards, or finding an old twin bed with matching head and foot board and using them both as head boards.
Also Most of the furnishings in the bedroom/ den are dark. I kinda like all the wood to match, do you think Dark will look good?
Now everything really depends on the couch I buy for the Den, and what treasures I find on Christmas break. The Couch is coming from Big Lots.

Its the only thing Iv found that I can pass off as the 50's that is new (and in my price range)
Does anyone out there know where to get an even better looking couch?! id really like to get a vintage one, but I have NEVER come across a really great one....
Well Lets hear it! You Guys are as much a part of the Casablanca as the Regulars!!!!!
Every room in the Casablanca (all 3) has been overhauled at least 2 times, The first time, when I moved in at 15 and just wanted be rebellious and paint, and the second time 17 - now When I decide I wanted my house to look like a proper house.
Well Now that the "Lounge, and kitchen are 'finished' (cuz lets face it i'll never be done haha) Its time to take a second look at the "Den" and bedroom.
Heres what I have now....
The Paint is a special mixed color called "Radio City Red", I had it matched to the color of the velvet walls in the Lobby of Radio City Music Hall in NY.

It is my MOST favorite place in the world! At one time the ceiling was going to be covered in gold leaf (just like the one at radio city) but then it became to expensive and I just put this room on hold.
Well Now that the "Den" has been created, Im thinking its time for a change! The Room was added to the house in 1956 -57 and between the "casabalancians" (- one who goes to the Casablanca) there is an EPIC battle going. The girls are wanting a color called "Pink Palace" its a very pale shade, and it looks VERY 50's (But I worry its not manly enough for the rest of the house. Where as the guys are wanting this turquoise blue color. Yesterday I found inspiration in "Mary Deluxe' Living room! I love everything in it, but my budget doesn't allow us to put a wainscoting of white around the room.
Also all my fixtures I have found and saved over the years are Creme and Gold, (gold and pink would look nice) But If we end up doing the Blue do you readers think the Gold would "clash" with Turquoise?
Do you have any Ideas?! and paint colors, you might think would look good in this room?
I can tell you, the twin beds are undergoing a makeover, they will be with out foot boards, and only have head boards (any ideas?) I had planned on either making headboards, or finding an old twin bed with matching head and foot board and using them both as head boards.
Also Most of the furnishings in the bedroom/ den are dark. I kinda like all the wood to match, do you think Dark will look good?
Now everything really depends on the couch I buy for the Den, and what treasures I find on Christmas break. The Couch is coming from Big Lots.

Its the only thing Iv found that I can pass off as the 50's that is new (and in my price range)
Does anyone out there know where to get an even better looking couch?! id really like to get a vintage one, but I have NEVER come across a really great one....
Well Lets hear it! You Guys are as much a part of the Casablanca as the Regulars!!!!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Q and A!
Well folks you asked now I will tell!
The One thing I was surprised no one inquired about was the "HOLLYWOOD" sign in some of the pictures! This was no feat of Photoshop!

It was actually there! It stood 26 feet long, 4 feet high and could be seen lit up from half a mile away at night! But after only 2 weeks of its existence Waggoner Estate made me take it down! My Friends and I spent our whole spring break building it for our after prom party, and as a gift to Lake Diversion... but It wasn't meant to be :(
AND we had to take it down a week before our prom party....darn!

NO one really asked about this treasure either!

This is my Great grandparents 1953 Television set! Its so special to me! The Story that goes with it was in 1953 My grandparents bought this tv brand new, SO THEY COULD WATCH LUCY HAVE HER BABY!!!!!! yes indeed! I found this tucked away in the barn, and IT WAS DESTINED for the Casablanca! even more amazing after spending 20 years in the barn IT STILL WORKED! But when the switch from analog to digital happened I took the original guts out of the tv (stored them) and put a brand new tv in! SO now it can maybe get 50 more years of use! Lets face that gold and cream trim, with the huge dials... that's just sexy! haha
This Im just plain proud of! it was my grandmothers on my Moms side! it was bought brand new In 1957. Iv never seen a Formica table with a pattern like that! and sadly one of the chars is missing, but thats ok, because it would block the craftsman window (that was a french door in another life) with the view!

Michael, you asked about this Radio! As I said it is a 1928 Air Chief and it was given to my grandparents as a wedding gift. It used to have a blond pine finish, but at some point in the late 50's my grand mother painted it white "to keep up with the times". Iv thought of stripping it and retuning it to its original state. However I like it like it is, some parts are smooth, some bumpy (just like marriage) and one of the front legs has been stained with crude oil (My grandpa worked on Waggoner Estates Oil leases) So its just plain sentimental!

As you can see the top lifts up to reveal the radio controls, the other side once housed a record player. But it had been taken out at some point leaving a gaping hole, so I boarded up the bottom of the hole and sat a small cd player inside and put the speakers below. That way If you put a cd in before guest arrive, they think the radio is actually playing!
In the spring I will have to do a post on all the Radios at the C.H.&R. I think theres about 3 in every room! haha
Leah, Im terribly sorry I couldn't find any super good pictures of the floor! But Here's what I know, Its nearly as old as the house is, One corner on the back is dated 1946. More than likely its asbestos. However iv polished and Sealed the floor to prevent any mishaps with the asbestos. The outside of the house is covered with LORD KNOWS how many layers of lead paint (iv always said the Casablanca Hotel could survive a nuclear holocaust!) haha and thats about it!
Well hope y'all enjoy and have a good Wednesday!
The One thing I was surprised no one inquired about was the "HOLLYWOOD" sign in some of the pictures! This was no feat of Photoshop!

It was actually there! It stood 26 feet long, 4 feet high and could be seen lit up from half a mile away at night! But after only 2 weeks of its existence Waggoner Estate made me take it down! My Friends and I spent our whole spring break building it for our after prom party, and as a gift to Lake Diversion... but It wasn't meant to be :(
AND we had to take it down a week before our prom party....darn!

NO one really asked about this treasure either!

This is my Great grandparents 1953 Television set! Its so special to me! The Story that goes with it was in 1953 My grandparents bought this tv brand new, SO THEY COULD WATCH LUCY HAVE HER BABY!!!!!! yes indeed! I found this tucked away in the barn, and IT WAS DESTINED for the Casablanca! even more amazing after spending 20 years in the barn IT STILL WORKED! But when the switch from analog to digital happened I took the original guts out of the tv (stored them) and put a brand new tv in! SO now it can maybe get 50 more years of use! Lets face that gold and cream trim, with the huge dials... that's just sexy! haha
This Im just plain proud of! it was my grandmothers on my Moms side! it was bought brand new In 1957. Iv never seen a Formica table with a pattern like that! and sadly one of the chars is missing, but thats ok, because it would block the craftsman window (that was a french door in another life) with the view!

Michael, you asked about this Radio! As I said it is a 1928 Air Chief and it was given to my grandparents as a wedding gift. It used to have a blond pine finish, but at some point in the late 50's my grand mother painted it white "to keep up with the times". Iv thought of stripping it and retuning it to its original state. However I like it like it is, some parts are smooth, some bumpy (just like marriage) and one of the front legs has been stained with crude oil (My grandpa worked on Waggoner Estates Oil leases) So its just plain sentimental!

As you can see the top lifts up to reveal the radio controls, the other side once housed a record player. But it had been taken out at some point leaving a gaping hole, so I boarded up the bottom of the hole and sat a small cd player inside and put the speakers below. That way If you put a cd in before guest arrive, they think the radio is actually playing!
In the spring I will have to do a post on all the Radios at the C.H.&R. I think theres about 3 in every room! haha
Leah, Im terribly sorry I couldn't find any super good pictures of the floor! But Here's what I know, Its nearly as old as the house is, One corner on the back is dated 1946. More than likely its asbestos. However iv polished and Sealed the floor to prevent any mishaps with the asbestos. The outside of the house is covered with LORD KNOWS how many layers of lead paint (iv always said the Casablanca Hotel could survive a nuclear holocaust!) haha and thats about it!
Well hope y'all enjoy and have a good Wednesday!
Monday, December 7, 2009
How "Mick's" and The Casablanca Hotel & Resort came to be...
Well Sue over at "A Very Cherry World" asked the question, and its a Story I love to tell!
"It was a dark and stormy night...."
Actually it was Easter Sunday 2005, No! Well, It all begins in 2002 At Lake Diversion Tx.
My parents buy a cabin on the water from friends, its a charming 1946 single wide trailer and dock. Now my parents favorite color is RED. They also don't much care about the "nostalgic history" of such place and proceeded to fix up and paint everything red & silver. (which yes looks great, but seriously... if you could see our house in town, you'd know why I like turquoise.)
Well two years of hard work go by, and Mom and Dad have a show place. But their lot was only 50 feet wide. The lot next door has a boat dock on it, and Dad wanted to buy it to tare down the boat dock and fill in the place with dirt and rocks to add onto the shore line. The lot next door was lot "40273" well not only did it have a dock, but about 300 yards up the road there was a three room cabin that went with it...
It is now Easter Sunday 2005 I am 14 going on 15 and my LIFE is about to change...
We tore down the rickety old boat dock, now wondering what to do with this cabin. Dad considered buring the house down and clearing the lot, or maybe use the house for storage? But thank goodness my mother talked him out of it! She said well why don't we sell the house or have it moved. Dad says " alright lets sell it, we bought it for $300 lets see if we can make a profit..." that day I very quietly went to my room and Pulled out ALL the money I had saved and hidden, and the grand total?! $310!!!! (a large amount for A 14 yr old to have I know, I'd been saving for something else but this was too good to pass on... I'll never forget the looks on my parents face as I pushed $310 in wrinkled bills, quarters, dimes, fifty cent pieces and pennies across our kitchen table. Immediately followed by "WHAT IS A 14 YR OLD GONNA DO WITH A HOUSE?!" my reply, "Just wait and see...."
Well when I moved in folks, not gonna lie... the place was a DUMP! It had set vacant five years prior to my family buying it... and the previous owners didn't take good care of it. In fact they had painted the screened in porch (now the lounge) a moth pink color and RUINED a beautiful stained wood ceiling. Inside it Just got worse, In the Kitchen EVERYTHING have been painted white, but there was a line that split the room, one side was white, the other a tan off white. But there was the original green and white checked floor staring at me, that matched with all the Wood frame windows in the house had me in love! The bedroom had been painted white, and THEY PAINTED OVER A WINDOW!!!! IDIOTS! Alas the stage was set... and the Casablanca was born.
Now If you haven't guessed, Im VERY theatrical and some times over dramatic ha ha! The "Casablanca" Gets its name from the 1943 Movie that we all know and love. (Quick fact: the movie "Casablanca" was originally titled "Everyone Goes to Ricks"... and that's where the Blog get is name.) There is also a line in the movie that Humphrey Bogart says "Casablanca, Its a place the force you to visit, but you'd never live there" and at the time It was VERY TRUE!
When I moved in, there was not electricity, no telephone, there was a fridge but... yeah, just NO! ha ha and the back yard was barren except for a telephone pole and cactus patches here and there. Everything you see, I have done in the last four years! Iv been through who knows how many paint colors and surprises but I'm thrilled with the result.
My mother confessed once that the real reason she and my father let me buy the house was " If your at your place taking care of things doing what you want, we know your not out on the streets doing drugs, or getting into trouble. Just think those kids who graduated with you, maybe had a car and part time job, you;ve got something to be proud of kid!"
Well thats the story of the "Casablanca" the full name "Casablanca Hotel & Resort" came about during senior spring break in high school. Most my time as well as my friends had been taken up by "One Act Play" for high school competition. Well after three months of acting a friend turned to me said "Mickey we've got to go hang out at your house this weekend its our last resort to rest before the big performance" The "Hotel" part stems from my love of enetertaining, always hosting parties and having people come and stay with me, so much they dubbed hotel into the name.
The Casablanca Hotel & Resort!
There aren't ANY pictures from the early days of the Casablanca, but here's our basic "virtual tour" we made so that my friends parents would actually believe us and let their child come hang out and spend the night... It usually leaves people amazed... but then again, iv never been one for understatement! :)
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy this video!
If you see anything in it you want to know more about (and I think I know one thing you will) just comment and i'll blog about it!
"It was a dark and stormy night...."
Actually it was Easter Sunday 2005, No! Well, It all begins in 2002 At Lake Diversion Tx.
My parents buy a cabin on the water from friends, its a charming 1946 single wide trailer and dock. Now my parents favorite color is RED. They also don't much care about the "nostalgic history" of such place and proceeded to fix up and paint everything red & silver. (which yes looks great, but seriously... if you could see our house in town, you'd know why I like turquoise.)
Well two years of hard work go by, and Mom and Dad have a show place. But their lot was only 50 feet wide. The lot next door has a boat dock on it, and Dad wanted to buy it to tare down the boat dock and fill in the place with dirt and rocks to add onto the shore line. The lot next door was lot "40273" well not only did it have a dock, but about 300 yards up the road there was a three room cabin that went with it...
It is now Easter Sunday 2005 I am 14 going on 15 and my LIFE is about to change...
We tore down the rickety old boat dock, now wondering what to do with this cabin. Dad considered buring the house down and clearing the lot, or maybe use the house for storage? But thank goodness my mother talked him out of it! She said well why don't we sell the house or have it moved. Dad says " alright lets sell it, we bought it for $300 lets see if we can make a profit..." that day I very quietly went to my room and Pulled out ALL the money I had saved and hidden, and the grand total?! $310!!!! (a large amount for A 14 yr old to have I know, I'd been saving for something else but this was too good to pass on... I'll never forget the looks on my parents face as I pushed $310 in wrinkled bills, quarters, dimes, fifty cent pieces and pennies across our kitchen table. Immediately followed by "WHAT IS A 14 YR OLD GONNA DO WITH A HOUSE?!" my reply, "Just wait and see...."
Well when I moved in folks, not gonna lie... the place was a DUMP! It had set vacant five years prior to my family buying it... and the previous owners didn't take good care of it. In fact they had painted the screened in porch (now the lounge) a moth pink color and RUINED a beautiful stained wood ceiling. Inside it Just got worse, In the Kitchen EVERYTHING have been painted white, but there was a line that split the room, one side was white, the other a tan off white. But there was the original green and white checked floor staring at me, that matched with all the Wood frame windows in the house had me in love! The bedroom had been painted white, and THEY PAINTED OVER A WINDOW!!!! IDIOTS! Alas the stage was set... and the Casablanca was born.
Now If you haven't guessed, Im VERY theatrical and some times over dramatic ha ha! The "Casablanca" Gets its name from the 1943 Movie that we all know and love. (Quick fact: the movie "Casablanca" was originally titled "Everyone Goes to Ricks"... and that's where the Blog get is name.) There is also a line in the movie that Humphrey Bogart says "Casablanca, Its a place the force you to visit, but you'd never live there" and at the time It was VERY TRUE!
When I moved in, there was not electricity, no telephone, there was a fridge but... yeah, just NO! ha ha and the back yard was barren except for a telephone pole and cactus patches here and there. Everything you see, I have done in the last four years! Iv been through who knows how many paint colors and surprises but I'm thrilled with the result.
My mother confessed once that the real reason she and my father let me buy the house was " If your at your place taking care of things doing what you want, we know your not out on the streets doing drugs, or getting into trouble. Just think those kids who graduated with you, maybe had a car and part time job, you;ve got something to be proud of kid!"
Well thats the story of the "Casablanca" the full name "Casablanca Hotel & Resort" came about during senior spring break in high school. Most my time as well as my friends had been taken up by "One Act Play" for high school competition. Well after three months of acting a friend turned to me said "Mickey we've got to go hang out at your house this weekend its our last resort to rest before the big performance" The "Hotel" part stems from my love of enetertaining, always hosting parties and having people come and stay with me, so much they dubbed hotel into the name.
The Casablanca Hotel & Resort!
There aren't ANY pictures from the early days of the Casablanca, but here's our basic "virtual tour" we made so that my friends parents would actually believe us and let their child come hang out and spend the night... It usually leaves people amazed... but then again, iv never been one for understatement! :)
Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoy this video!
If you see anything in it you want to know more about (and I think I know one thing you will) just comment and i'll blog about it!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"Kick your cares, down the stairs, and come to Casablanca 'Holiday Inn'
Michael at "Cul-de-sac shack" Posted "Holiday Inn" as his Friday Movie! Well Over the weekend I bought it and this song just seemed to be perfect for my home full of Performers!
Hope You Enjoy! Happy Holiday!
Hope You Enjoy! Happy Holiday!
OK! Just a quick post today,
First I Owe a HUGE thanks to Mid century Madam, and 1950's Atomic Ranch House! Thank You both SO much for featuring me on your Blogs I was thrilled! And Id like to thank everyone else for following me! 16 Wow ! I never thought id have 6!

So once again Thank all of You so much!
Now! Down to Bussiness!
Today nebhior to the Casablanca Gifted me this table! Well actually she was going to throw it out... but "gifting" sounds more pleasant.
It was outside on a deck for a long time, I cant see a makers stamp, But the flaps still Pull out and pop up. and its a tin topped table.

It doesnt look like much, But I think its a keeper! Look at this Great enamled tin top!

The wood frame just needs to be repainted, and I'll shine up the chrome legs with some naptha and steel wool. I guess this table will go out on the screened in porch... THIS MAKES 3 in the house alone! I have the great 1956 formica table in the kitchen, and my mahogany drop leaf table in the bedroom. I also have 3 other 40's and 50's tables in storage that I just cant part with!
"Prince Ali" found a perfect place on a side table in the den.

Oh well other than this great table, it was a pretty quiet visit to the Casablanca....

First I Owe a HUGE thanks to Mid century Madam, and 1950's Atomic Ranch House! Thank You both SO much for featuring me on your Blogs I was thrilled! And Id like to thank everyone else for following me! 16 Wow ! I never thought id have 6!

So once again Thank all of You so much!
Now! Down to Bussiness!
Today nebhior to the Casablanca Gifted me this table! Well actually she was going to throw it out... but "gifting" sounds more pleasant.
It was outside on a deck for a long time, I cant see a makers stamp, But the flaps still Pull out and pop up. and its a tin topped table.
It doesnt look like much, But I think its a keeper! Look at this Great enamled tin top!
The wood frame just needs to be repainted, and I'll shine up the chrome legs with some naptha and steel wool. I guess this table will go out on the screened in porch... THIS MAKES 3 in the house alone! I have the great 1956 formica table in the kitchen, and my mahogany drop leaf table in the bedroom. I also have 3 other 40's and 50's tables in storage that I just cant part with!
"Prince Ali" found a perfect place on a side table in the den.
Oh well other than this great table, it was a pretty quiet visit to the Casablanca....
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Mr. Jordan's Dream House
Its a long ways off! Haha
But today I was talking to a friend about her dream house, and she said "I want my house to be Brady Bunch cool, but classy like Samantha's House on Bewitched." Well I asked her "why those 2 houses?" and she says "because iv seen so many episodes, I fell like I know the house like the back of my hand..."
So I go tot thinking what TV show house id want to live in....And if I was gonna build a house, Id Want to Love it...and lets face it I LOVE LUCY!

To Be more exact, I love Her and Ricky's 3rd floor New York Apartment! I think since i was 7 years old iv wanted to live there. So I did some research (watched a few episodes) Then got busy drawing. (My Major is Set and Interior Design) And here's what I came up with for a floor plan of the SET Of I Love Lucy. (Click The picture to enlarge and get a good look) Its really hard to see I know but its pretty close, the actual Sets were 45 feet long and 18 feet wide.

As I started drawing I wanted to see some visuals, I googled "I love Lucy Sets" and They have actually been re-created in the I Love Lucy Museum in Jamestown New York.

Everything has been recreated right down to the Kitchen!

It was so weird seeing these in color! They are NOTHING like what I imagined... I always knew Lucy's cool Davenport was Green, imagine NAVY BLUE!?
Well after a stroll down memory lane, this Is what My dream house would look like!
(click the pic to enlarge and get a good look)

In theory, Iv created a 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1,260 feet! I gotta say though, If i ever build this house, I want it to be as close as possible to the sets... except for the colors. I'm not sure what the Living room would be painted, but my couch would be turquoise! The Bathrooms one yellow, and one pink! No matter what, I know dream house or not Whenever I come through the door I'll call "Honey, I'm home!
So readers What do you think?! What TV house have you always wanted to live in?!
But today I was talking to a friend about her dream house, and she said "I want my house to be Brady Bunch cool, but classy like Samantha's House on Bewitched." Well I asked her "why those 2 houses?" and she says "because iv seen so many episodes, I fell like I know the house like the back of my hand..."
So I go tot thinking what TV show house id want to live in....And if I was gonna build a house, Id Want to Love it...and lets face it I LOVE LUCY!

To Be more exact, I love Her and Ricky's 3rd floor New York Apartment! I think since i was 7 years old iv wanted to live there. So I did some research (watched a few episodes) Then got busy drawing. (My Major is Set and Interior Design) And here's what I came up with for a floor plan of the SET Of I Love Lucy. (Click The picture to enlarge and get a good look) Its really hard to see I know but its pretty close, the actual Sets were 45 feet long and 18 feet wide.
As I started drawing I wanted to see some visuals, I googled "I love Lucy Sets" and They have actually been re-created in the I Love Lucy Museum in Jamestown New York.

Everything has been recreated right down to the Kitchen!

It was so weird seeing these in color! They are NOTHING like what I imagined... I always knew Lucy's cool Davenport was Green, imagine NAVY BLUE!?
Well after a stroll down memory lane, this Is what My dream house would look like!
(click the pic to enlarge and get a good look)
In theory, Iv created a 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1,260 feet! I gotta say though, If i ever build this house, I want it to be as close as possible to the sets... except for the colors. I'm not sure what the Living room would be painted, but my couch would be turquoise! The Bathrooms one yellow, and one pink! No matter what, I know dream house or not Whenever I come through the door I'll call "Honey, I'm home!
So readers What do you think?! What TV house have you always wanted to live in?!
How Shiny are your branches?

Last night I was informed that in this year of our lord "2009" Is the 50th Anniversary of the Aluminum tree! (NO WONDER they've been so pricey lately) and since we celebrate everything else, Im declaring today December 3rd "Aluminum Tree Day!"
So here's a some history,
the idea of an Aluminum tree was was discovered by an executive of the Aluminum speciality Co. in Manitowoc Wisconsin. While on Business in Chicago in 1957 He spotted a store window display, with Hand made aluminum trees... This got the wheels to spinning. In 1958 The First Aluminum trees started rolling off assembly lines. However is wasn't until Christmas 1959 that they really started to catch on!
Here is a blueprint of a basic "Pine" Aluminum tree.

These things were PREFECT FOR THE 1950'S AGE OF WONDER AND CONVINCE! Why lug a real tree home and worry about keeping it watered and picking up those pesky needles, when You can A beautiful tree that's easy to set up, easy to store and lasts forever?! The only exception, you can put string lights on it... (I don't know HOW many times iv had to tell my roommates "You cant put ELECTRIC lights on and ALUMINUM tree...bad things will happen!" haha.
But fear not Retro readers! BEHOLD the Color Wheel!

Your Silver tree need not be with out light! I think the whole set up is aw some! I just cant see why they were only popular for a few years, and now that they are in demand again WHY THE HECK don't they start making them again? (And not sell them for $300, because that would be nice... id gladly pay $20 for a 4 ft...)
(I realise at this point in the post, most of you provably grew up with these things and know what im talking about. If you do thank you for humoring me and reading!)
My tree!
its a 1959 Manitowoc 4 foot pine, I got it off Ebay for $80..GASP I know, $80... but I will have it forever! It took forever to get one that cheap, iv been hunting for a tree since my freshman year in high school (2004)if my future kids sell it in a yard sale after im dead... I will Haunt them... BIG TIME! haha I found the Gold rotating base at the Goodwill by my college it was around $2.98. I'll never forget when I brought it home and my girlfriend was like "Oh wow! you bought a tree stand for a tree YOU DON'T HAVE!" haha
Well im rambling now, SO Have a Happy "Aluminum Tree Day!"
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
The Old Lamp Lighter
Well Iv finally made a find for the Casablanca!

Is this Not Hysterical?! Yet "Over-the-top tacky" cool?! My girlfriend has dubbed him "The Prince Ali Lamp" Its from 1954, He's Chalkware, the stamp on the back says "Universal Statuary Co. Chicago 22, ILL. (c) 1954" A lady posted him on Freecycle with the listing "Ugly lamp that could only be from the 50's" haha!
Thats not his original shade, but Im pretty sure that I have a Fiberglass one that will suit him perfectly!

This one I found at A local thrift store "Value Village" I always come out of there with an arm load of treasures! I Like the shape, and the turquoise thats painted on it! (Turquoise is my favorite color!) and im sure it will end up with a fiberglass shade too!
Well thats It! But Id love to hear what you think! maybe ideas on what kind of shades to get?

Is this Not Hysterical?! Yet "Over-the-top tacky" cool?! My girlfriend has dubbed him "The Prince Ali Lamp" Its from 1954, He's Chalkware, the stamp on the back says "Universal Statuary Co. Chicago 22, ILL. (c) 1954" A lady posted him on Freecycle with the listing "Ugly lamp that could only be from the 50's" haha!
Thats not his original shade, but Im pretty sure that I have a Fiberglass one that will suit him perfectly!

This one I found at A local thrift store "Value Village" I always come out of there with an arm load of treasures! I Like the shape, and the turquoise thats painted on it! (Turquoise is my favorite color!) and im sure it will end up with a fiberglass shade too!
Well thats It! But Id love to hear what you think! maybe ideas on what kind of shades to get?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Deck the halls with vintage findings! Falalalalalala!
So today, as Promised the C.H.&R. (Casablanca Hotel & Resort) gets ready for Christmas...Well actually these pictures are From Thanksmass, let me explain...
My friends and I made up this little Holiday we celebrate the second weekend of November. You see most of the people Who come out to the Casablanca are my Theater Friends from high school. When when graduated in 2008 everyone was scattered all over Texas. As the summer drew to an end we deiced to have one more party, a formal affair for thanksgiving! HOWEVER a few of us were set on 'Christmas at the Casablanca' And so we Compromised and THANKSMASS WAS BORN!
This years theme (and provably will be forever) "Thanksmass 1958"
Here we have the "Grand Dinning room" Of the Casablanca! I love everything in this picture! The Aluminum tree in the background was an ebay find! I'm not proud it cost me around $80 but I love it ALL mid century homes need them! On the table, Are my grandmothers Frankoma plates and candle sticks (she gave them to me because she said id "appreciate them the most" haha) and the lace table cloth was My great great grandmothers and some where there is a picture of it on a table very much like ours!
My 1954 Frigidaire Stove (I got for a STEAL at $250) gets festive.
Our 'Traditional Tree' in the Den, I found toys from the 50's to scatter around the tree! The red pedal car my parents gave me on my 2nd birthday, some old key roller skates, a 'Curious George' Jack in the Box and baseball glove!
Even the Drive-In gets decorated for Thanksmass!
Most of my 'Theater Family' All of us happy and together!
"Twas the Night of Thanksmass"
We Had so much fun! Now the Casablanca is Closed for the season, and will re-open in march just in time for spring break...but FEAR NOT! Haha because even in the off season a lot goes on!
Hope you Enjoyed it! Would love to see some of your Vintage Christmas's'!!!!
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