As of today there's is exactly ONE week until I get my house back, and the Flamingo Drive -In Theater opens for the season. The "Board Members" of the Casablanca have been running around singing this Beach Boys song all week.
This will be the 3rd year I have hosted "Break on the Lake" for friends! We get together at the Casablanca hang out, cook, mainly have a good time! We usually have one outdoor project during Break on the Lake...
In 2008 we built the 28ft long Hollywood sign...
2009 we constructed a movie Marquee....
This year in 2010 were going to make an 8ft wooden cowboy that has been named "George" we'll see how that one turns out! haha.
Alot of you might be wondering where the idea for the Drive-In came from, In real life I have only been to a REAL Drive -In once on my 14th birthday. However in my mind I have been there a MILLION times, and its al because of this movie.

This Hallmark Movie aired on tv when I was 11, Its about the "Lee Family" and how they just so happen to live in THE WORLDS LARGEST DRIVE - IN MOVIE SCREEN! I kid you not, I wore two VHS tapes of the movie out! Later when I read the book by Larry baker, they describe Hubert Lee (The Drive -In's builder and owner) as a "5 foot 4 auburn haired man, with spunk and dreams no boundaries could ever hold" (who does that remind you of dear readers? ; ) ) Even at 11 I knew my $40 a week mowing money could possibly build the worlds biggest Drive - In movie theater... but it could be the smallest!
18 summer lawn mows later and here we are! 18 seems like such a small number haha the way I remember, it was more like 1000! Im excited for this years Break on the Lake, I have the WORST planning skills the first year we did this, we had maybe 10 people show up all 3 days and it was great...except I was really unprepared food wise! 2009 I invited 30 people to come join us saved for months bought $300 worth of food...and only 3 showed up : ( but boy did we eat good! Im hoping this year is going to be spectacular, Spring break has snuck up on me, I have no food ready and about 90% of my time this spring break is going to be spent at the Backdoor Theater getting ready for Jesus Christ Superstar... since the odds are aginst me im SURE everyone and their dog will turn up! (And just fine with me!)
LOVE your drive-in! Wish I had one, too. :)
Have you seen these?
Fun! Fun! Fun! I want to come sit in your pink tulip chair!
OH my! I am so jealous. It's probably really warm down there! Not bad here today, 60! I want to make a place by my little trailer to show movies, but how do you get the movies to show. A regular projector ??
I love your drive in! How cool is that to have.
Istanbul - I thought They Might Be Giants wrote this song. Now I like them less, though I still like the song.
Have a great time Mick. Can't wait to see the photo journal. I love your Hollywood sign. Wish we lived closer because you know I'd be there.
hehe, love the drive-in!
Rock on, Man!!! Great work!!
Hi Mick, I love the flyer you made up for the Break at the Lake. You could have people bring stuff pot-luck style, maybe that would ease your refreshments burden. I picked up a vintage lawn chair out of a dumpster last weekend and immediately thought of you! I hope this season is your bestest yet!
I so wish I lived near you....
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