Friday, January 3, 2014

Welcome 1914, er... 2060, I mean 1960, GAH 2014!

Welcome back all you lovely Readers out there in Blogland!

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday, in fact I am still on mine and will be back soon with all kinds of finds and stories!  So for now here's a look at the most viewed posts of 2013 or as we at the Casablanca tell it, 1959!

(GREASE! My producer friend Lynn made a special redheaded poster for me!)
#5 The Sets from our production of Grease!

(The annual Casablanca Costume Ball! The theme was "Disney Movies"!)
#4 The 1959 Costume Ball!

(Jets, Sharks, and Chicks swinging at the "56th Street Gym".)
#3"Dance at the Gym" the West Side Story cast party!

("It's Only A Paper Moon")
#2The 1959 Spring Break Dance, our formal affair!

(At Long last!)
#1"Color Me Coral" We finally achieved living room walls!

Finally, our most viewed post, for the year and for all time. A tribute to the memory of our dear friend Andrew.
He will never be forgotten.
Back in August when this happened, the outpouring of sympathy from all of you blogger friends helped ease our time of pain with your comments and kind words (even a few personal phone calls). Thank you for that, It means the world to us at the Casablanca.

  *   *   *

Lots of good times, a few sad, plenty of wonderful, and always fabulous! That is what you wonderful people have come to expect, and what we love to give you "Here at Mick's!"

Here's to a bright new year!



  1. Happy New Year to you too, Mick. My life has been made brighter by knowing you and Patricia.

  2. 2013/1959 was a year to remember for sure!
    I know the Casablanca crew has a lot to offer this new year too! Looking forward to it too.
    Mick, good to see you back.

  3. Your posts are always entertaining can't wait to see what the new year bring you!


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