Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Here's Your Sign...

When you come down the big hill at the Lake, one will come to a crossroads where stands a sign post with a variety of colorful destinations, Dear Readers. Some will go left, others will go right, and then there are those who go both ways.

(Friend May circa June of 2010)
The summer of 2010 was a BIG summer for the Casablanca, our membership grew from 12 people to about 24, June 19th I threw the very first "big" party at the Casablanca "As Time Goes By" , we had our first out of state visitors, and one weekend in June friend May dropped in for a visit all the way from Rio De Janeiro BRAZIL!  She was an exchange student in High School and we got to be great friends. So when she came back to visit in 2010 she stayed the weekend with me and we had lots of fun, did a vintage photo shoot and cooked out, but most of all she gave the Casablanca the notoriety of being "World Famous"!
The old sign which you saw in May's picture looked a little worse for wear these three years later, and all the paint had peeled off. So last Saturday I took the sign down from the post, repainted it and gave in some 1920's/30'2 art deco lettering vs the cursive on the old sign.

-New to the sign, the "status" quote "Playground of the theatre elite..." was given to us by blogger friend Stan, and is more of an inside joke than an actual bearing on the Casablanca's status. Although, I will say most of our members that flock to the Casablanca and dazzle the docks of Lake Diversion are involved with theatre, so the quote is very fitting! Haha

I hope you all will look for our sign when you come to "summer by the shore" of Lake Diversion!



  1. Love the new sign! Great little piece of Casablanca history too. :)

  2. Your new sign looks great! We're planning a trip to Altus sometime next year, maybe I can convince the family to do a little diversion...hahahaha! Get it?! Sorry, I can't help myself sometimes.

    1. Altus is only about an hour and a half away from lake Diversion! We'd love to have you come visit the Casablanca.


Tell me all about it!