Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SPUTNIK &Other Scores!

Okay Readers, this week has been (and continues to be) CrAzY!  Here we are smack dab in the middle of tech-week for the show "Into The Woods" that is opening this Friday and I'm just running circles around myself to try and keep up!  I scored this Sputnik light fixture Tuesday afternoon, I traded two smaller light fixtures I ahd laying around for it, so it was basically free! It's not in the best shape, at some point is was wired to be a wall plug in lamp, and one of the sockets is busted, however it does light up and work so for free it will do!
I found this little gem at a well picked over Goodwill, I have no idea what year its from, but i'd guess the 50's - 60's like the box says its a cookie gun. I took a chance with this because the people at Goodwill had the box taped up tighter than Fort Knox, but at $1.99 I thought it was worth a shot...
This must have been a wedding gift, or impulse buy because I don't believe its ever been used or taken out of the box!
I cannot believe that not ONLY were all the pieces in the box, but how shiny and new they were. Like I said I don't think it was ever used! And in the Original Box!

Well that's the News for this week, I'm back being grounded working at the Theatre until the show opens Friday night! I'll have a set post soon to follow.



  1. Cool sputnik! I would love to have one of these in our entryway. Maybe someday :)

  2. Great finds. The sputnik looks fantastic, and I love the cookie gun.

  3. I have the same cookie gun! It's super cute :0)

    The sputnik fixture is lovely as well!

  4. Sputniks are always one of my favorites. Great score!

  5. I am so drooling all over my keyboard right now. That is one neat lamp!

  6. Wow Nick, great score on the sputnik lamp!

  7. Score score on that Sputnik! I love the colored light bulbs in it too. Nice!


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