Friday, January 20, 2012

Oh-ho The Well's Fargo Wagon Is A Commin!

Oh Readers, Don't let it pass my door!

 (I'm currently up to my ears in 1912 In Meredith Wilson's "Music Man")
But a lot of neat things have been arriving in the mail!   Like these five "Golden Foliage" wine glasses to add to Our Others in the bar.
(More of the "Don Draper" glasses!)
Most exciting, is this hand delivered postcard given to us by one of our new up and coming member Melissa (Star of White Christmas. If you'll remember she made her "Mick's debut" as one of the "sisters" here at Thanksmass.)
On the picture "Mickey Jordan" (pointing to Mickey Mouse), and "The Casablanca, Not to original... its only a model"
She writes...

"  Mickey & Patricia, Disneyland used to sell 
and send mail with a postmark that said
Disneyland. But as times change, no more
postmark and no more stamps. so I didn't send this
from California. But this is your own
official Disneyland Postcard. And yes, 
this is me sticking it to the man. I
wish we could travel back to 1955 and
see Disneyland in it original form. Even
Now Main Street has so much history
of the past. It's fun to wander through
the shops and see some "old" memorobilla.
Basically Disneyland with Mickey & Patricia
would be a ball!  I miss you guys and
can't wait till Prom 1958. Love you guys"

-Melissa & Chris Francis-
Thanks Melissa and Chris! I always love it when friends send us postcards, since this one talks about an upcoming event it will be going into the Hat box-O-Memorabilia along with Miss Casablanca's Postcard from London this summer!

We'll I'm off to catch the wagon the show opens on the 27th of Jan and I've got lots of painting to do!  As Always I will have a sets post later. Hope all of you have a happy Friday!



  1. Love your new glasses! They look so cool with stems.

  2. Oh man, I love Disneyland. It really is the most magical place on Earth. No lie! If you guys make it out to Cali, I'll go with ya!


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