Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh Boy...

"This is gonna make one heck of a blog post...."
Well readers, If you will recall last weekend during the Guys Weekend the one and only air conditioner at the Casablanca gave out.  (If there's anything I HATE its shopping for new appliances.) So I did my research on Sunday and found a pretty good deal at Lowes hardware. I also discovered the old air conditioner had been a wimpy 3,000 BTU's and that was BARELY enough to cool the 120 square foot room, so we go to Lowes...
 Monday there was not a person in the store, after 45 minuets of walking around trying to find a store associate to help us we gave up. We did however find out you can order 4x4 tile in mint green, pink, and turquoise!  That night I wrote down everything from Lowes online and put on my battle face for round two on Tuesday, we walk in and where there had been nothign the day prior was a stack of the very AC's we were looking for!
Well this new frigidare model we (hope) will do the trick, see instead of getting another wimpy 3,000 BTU model or even upgrading to 8,000 to cover 250 square feet. We decided to get a BIG AC in hopes of cooling both the bedroom and kitchen, we went with a 15,100 BTU that is supposed to cool 900 square feet which means we should be able to hang meat in out 340 square foot two rooms!

*  *  *
Well as you can see from the header picture, I was in such a rush to seal the deal on a new AC that it never even dawned on Patricia or myself that this massive new AC might not fit in the trunk...lets look!
Nope... definitely not fitting...  so cue in friend Willa and her truck. She came to Lowes and we loaded the monster into the back of her truck and away we drove to the Casablanca FINALLY reaching our destination!
We tucked the AC away in the bedroom and With any luck we'll get it installed Friday just in time for the Summers End Postcard Dinner!

A Big thanks to friend Willa for helping us move the monster!



  1. My 8,000 BTU kept tripping the breaker, even on a 20 amp plug, so I had to go back to a 5,000 in my 440 sq ft Studio. Needless to say, I don't bother going out there in the summer!

  2. I’m glad to know you did some research on warehouses before investing on a new air conditioner. That way, you’ll be confident that you paid ONLY the right price for your home improvement. This is a big decision since it will play a big role in your home energy expenses in the future. The top things I always check when selecting my A/C is the size, energy-efficiency, build, and of course, the contractor. ;)

    - Jamaal Milner

  3. I’m happy that you were able to purchase a new air conditioner. Good thing you never gave up, and got the one that you were looking for. Now, you won’t have to suffer from the intense heat of the summer. :)

    -Darryl Iorio

  4. My wife and I love to shop for appliances. Actually, it kinda excites me whenever one of our appliances breaks down because that means we'll be getting a new one again. :) I love “The Casablanca.” My son and I are building a shack. It's been 2 months since we've started it and we are getting great progress. Right now, we are working on the heater. I'd love to hear some advice from you.

    Harold Rhoads

  5. My wife and I love to shop for appliances. Actually, it kinda excites me whenever one of our appliances breaks down because that means we'll be getting a new one again. :) I love “The Casablanca.” My son and I are building a shack. It's been 2 months since we've started it and we are getting great progress. Right now, we are working on the heater. I'd love to hear some advice from you.

    Harold Rhoads

  6. My wife and I love to shop for appliances. Actually, it kinda excites me whenever one of our appliances breaks down because that means we'll be getting a new one again. :) I love “The Casablanca.” My son and I are building a shack. It's been 2 months since we've started it and we are getting great progress. Right now, we are working on the heater. I'd love to hear some advice from you.

    Harold Rhoads


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