Friday, October 1, 2010

Lookit What I Did!

 Well Dear Readers,

I started a new job delivering flowers,  this explains why I haven't been commenting much. Between 9-5 at the shop then 6-10 at the theater I get home, sit down check my email and I'm OUT, Haha!
I've really enjoyed getting to deliver (you get to go all kinds of cool and some times historic places!)
Last Monday things were slow so the boss lady said I could fix the window display! And you people know how I love to fix things! I'm sorry I couldn't get a picture for head on, but the sun glare from the Brookshire's across the street turns the front window into a mirror...




The hardest part of putting this together was that BOTH sides have to look appealing! But Im very pleased with the way it turned out, Boss Lady likes it too! My favorite part is this shelf  I loaded up with glass vases, when the blazing sun hits the window from the brookshire's it looks fantastic.

Im really liking this job, and im already planning the "winter" display hehehe I see a console radio and a lot of snow flakes in this windows future...



  1. Fall color! I love it!!

    And I love LOVE fresh flowers! I don't buy many because they wilt too fast in the usual hot weather, but I sure love them. =)

  2. Mick sounds like a great job and just perfect for you! Love the window display!

  3. Sounds like an interesting job! Your window display is terrific and so autumn-y. :)

  4. That looks great! I'm excited to see photos of your winter display.

  5. Looks very inviting! I'd go in! Really.

  6. Next stop windows at Barney's New York. Go buy this month's Elle Decor and look at the windows for Hollywood on La Cienega. Who will be inspired! Thanks for dropping by.

  7. What a fun job! I used to go into peoples homes to do assessments, and I saw some great places too! I'm a snoop at heart!

  8. That is fantastic! I used to do window displays for many years. It is a very fun job! I think you're holiday/winter theme will be awesome!

  9. OOh how I love to see windows that are lovely from both sides. Nice job!
    Becky, Retail Details blog
    Blog about store displays


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