Monday, September 27, 2010

"Oh Just A Normal Weekend At The Casablanca..."

Well dear readers,
Thursday night after much begging, (and threatening to go downtown and buy an all pink set FOR $67) Mom finally let me have one of  THREE sets of her Pyrex bowls!
We could only find the Yellow and Green ones, but she promises the rest are in storage and we'll dig them out soon. Even with out the other two bowls I feel this a victory! She kept Saying over and over "I just don't want them to get broke" and I came right back with "Mom have I not been hauling Grandma's 1946 mixer for almost nine months now... I have my own Pyrex too!"  To my friends and myself these bowls have the same rules as my prized turquoise bangle glasses. 'If you break it don't say sorry, start running for CANADA' Because If I get a hold of you it wont be pretty...Haha.
 (They match and didn't even plan it!)
Saturday afternoon friends Emily and Patricia dropped in and stayed for dinner, we had hamburger steak with homemade mashed potato's and green beans. While we were cooking dinner I just so happened to check Facebook and my friend/ reader Brian is a DJ/ talk host  for a radio station, he posts that hes on air. So we go to and Listen to the Saturday night quiz show. We spent a good 45 minuets screaming answers at the lap top and playing along! I write that on Brian's wall and he messages back  "Im going to say Hi at the top of the hour"  So we all pull out kitchen chairs around the lap top and listen to 15 minuets of Albany NY news, then finally we hear the "Call" Letters and the jingle for the show and-
 (Emily screams NOOOOOO! while Patricia yells "WHY GOD?! WHY?!)
WERE SO UPSET WE TORE THE LOUNGE APART!!!! While I frantically tried to get the connection back we all were screaming, yelling, and hoping we hadn't missed it... but alas we had. (we eventually made peace with it and put the living room back together.) If I understood correctly "Darwin" is Brian's radio name so we wanted to give him a proper Casablanca thank you! He also gave us a new post card quote calling the Casablanca a "Mid-century paradise" !
After we'd settled down a little and the game show had gone off the air, we sat down to dinner! As always it was Mmmmm Mmmm Good!
After the dishes were washed, we all settled into the turquoise room for a game of Monopoly and some quality "I Love Lucy" TV time. 
 Earlier I had mentioned to Patricia that there was an entire suitcase full of board games but we hadn't played any of them in a year or so, but couldn't remember why...  After an intense game of Monopoly I now vividly recall  why we put the games up haha!
 ("I'LL BUY IT!)
(Patricia spent the majority of the evening 'Going directly to jail and not passing go'.)
 (While both Emily and Myself received 'Get out of Jail Free' cards)
 After Patricia had mortgaged everything she , I put all my money into a house and a hotel, so Emily won the game with the most holdings, tensions were high so we put together a puzzle and watched  "Chicago" until we were calm enough to speak to one another again haha!
All in all just another normal weekend at the Casablanca.



  1. What a fun weekend!
    Persistance (nagging) really pays off (just don't tell my sons)-Great score on the pyrex bowls!

    p.s.I do believe I spy Leonardo Dicaprio in that puzzle....

  2. Love the Titanic puzzle. ;)

    I love the Pyrex dishes even more though. Glad you had a nice weekend.

  3. I would LOVE to be 'a fly on the wall' at your place. It's like a step back in time....but that's the whole point, eh?!

  4. Looks like such a fun weekend! Every once in a while, I feel the need to trash my house as well! :) I just hate putting it all back together afterward!

  5. Hey Mick, looks fun! I got two of my Pyrex bowls stuck together and against my better judgement, tried to pull them , no twist them, apart, and guess who got a nasty gash on two fingers? Zoot

  6. Hahaha! I love the mood swings! I hope no one (i mean items) were harmed in the thrashing of the sun porch. I think you should have put the Pyrex bowls on the floor in that shot and waited till your mom saw it. Maybe she doesn't have the same sick sense of humor I have though! Hahahah!


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