Friday, June 11, 2010

If He Had A Paint Brush...

He's paint in the morning, and the afternoon!

So 8 days, and its all starting to fall into place, this morning I wanted to finish the stuff I started Tuesday.
Ta-Da! Meet George, the Flamingo Drive-ins cowboy mascot.
In the movie "The Flamingo Rising" from which my Drive-In is based, George is 80 feet tall and neon lit. However, since my Flamingo is the Worlds smallest Drive-in George is 8 feet.  The detail on the bandanna is straight from the movie, and possibly my favorite part of the cowboy.
NO THIS DOES NOT STAND FOR 'FIRE DEPT', It stands for Flamingo Drive-In.
Next I had to finish the platform on which George stands, and as corny as it is  he send you a big texas HOWDY.
I even took the time to make the letters look like rope. George being a cowboy and all we thought it was fitting. Next up was a repaint job on the little sign that sits in the Drive -In... the harsh winter snow was not very good to the paint...
Now its good as new!  Tomorrow all I have to do is paint the Limbo stick, and the sticks that hold up the window shutters. Here's a group picture off all today's projects, I think they all look pretty well together.


  1. I wanna come to the party, dang you just too far away boy!

  2. It all looks great! And ssssoooo fun! I'll bet youre wore out! Zootsuitmama

  3. Howdy Howdy Howdy! The bandanna is the greatest!

  4. You need to get your butt to Hollywood, my man. All that talent needs a WORLD STAGE. I am soooooo loving George (which is of course my dad's name but he's a pirate right now). You continue to amuse and amaze me!!

  5. Yup, get out here to Hollyweird! You'd love it. Route 66 road trip and all.

    LOVE the Route 66 sign. Love George too.

    Whew, all that stuff you work on makes me tired just to watch YOU do lol...

    Wow, I am impressed.

  6. Mick, everything looks fabulous! From the lights, to the chairs, to the lanterns on the tablecloths, to George, and all the interior work you've been doing. You've done a great job - give yourself a pat on the back and make yourself a Shirley Temple!

    I can't wait to see the after-event pics!


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