Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Didnt Sleep At All Last Night.

But I did get a lot done!
My sister and I got tot he lake around 1:30am and it was to hot to sleep, so I strung the party lights. I had to nail the wire to the house and to the telephone pole in the pit.  and again from the telephone pole to a tree across the other side of the pit. By the time it was all done I look at the clock and it was 5:30 AM!  so i WENT TO BED.
Well readers, if you know me then you know there's NO waiting. this morning when I got up I wanted to see what the light were going to look like with the lanterns hanging on them...

Well once the lights were up I just couldnt resist seeing how the tables were gonna look so....
(George will be your waiter this evening)
All the chairs have been moved around, to better accommodate people! I'm also working on getting more shade with some awnings.
And while I work myself silly, Sister Mable reads a Magazine.... *sigh*



  1. Looks fab, as I knew it would! Zootsuitmama

  2. Holy smokes! You really are working hard!

    Please PLEASE make sure you have camera and batteries for the big event! Those of us who can't make it want to see the fun!

  3. Looks like you had a fab time despite the heat.
    P.S. Your jukebox always scares the crap out of me. LOL

  4. Now you can add "can see in the dark" to your list of accomplishments! It all looks maaaaaah-vah-lus!

  5. It aint a party till there's party lanterns!


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