Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Prepare Yourselfs, For The Tale of "Emergecy Thanksmass".

Cora says, tune in this Friday to read all about it!



  1. Cora looks so cute! Can't wait to tune in on Friday. :)

  2. Finally an adventure that I was able to be a part of!

  3. I did not even get one winter away from the frozen frigid wasteland that is Wisconsin in the winter, sob! Hubby is teasing me about your unseasonal weather, and that if we would have stayed in Texas we would have had ice anyways. NOT the same. I cannot bear to read the actual Emergency Thanksmass post, because it makes me sad to not be down by you guys.

    However! I am saving your puppy photo. It's my new motto. Thanks, and stay warm!


Tell me all about it!