Monday, June 3, 2013

I Wonder How The Other Half Lives?!

Not much going on Readers, it was a weekend of relaxation. Which is welcome in the midst of all the event planning for the quickly approaching 20th of of June! I know we provably wont raise all the money to purchase the $2000.00 holding tank for the Bathroom but I sure think we can make a good chunk towards it and dance the night away On The Town.We are making lots of other construction progress, soon I will be insulating the ceiling, and just Sunday night we found the perfect old framed window that will go in the new bathroom!
The Cactus is in bloom, and the 'wives tales' are too! This year there were at least 100 pods and blooms I have read and been told Texas lore, that when the blooms are so many like this rain is in the near future, and we SURE COULD USE IT! The Mesquite trees are also dropping beans like crazy, this too is a "fore coming" sign of rain, or a cold wet winter.  Again, Lord we could use some rain!
Truly a marvel of modern day, I nearly burnt the house down with our beloved Atom Pop Popcorn maker. This thing is so silent until it starts popping, I put it on the stove and then had to go let some one in the gate, by the time I returned the pop corn had been incinerated to a crisp, and the stove element was glowing a bright cherry red. WOOWEE close call! But Its still my favorite method of popping corn!

Saturday morning we were visited by friend Jennifer, she brought us three pints of fresh blueberries and I finally got to try our a recipe for Jam I'd been wanting to try. It was really simple, three cups blueberries, three cups of sugar (sweeten to taste) and a 1/4 cup of lemon juice, mash it all up and bring to a slight boil on medium heat, then let simmer for 20 min stirring often. Let cool and there you have it!
After that we dawned our swimming attire and took Corabelle out to the lake in her smart new life jacket...
She LOVES that floaty mat! Cora doesnt like the "getting in" the water process, but once in and on her floaty mat shes as happy as can be.
After our swim we sat out and enjoyed the evening, it has been a cool 88 degrees after a week straight of 90's and 100 degree days. Our yard looks terrible... again I say we sure could use rain Lord, I'm just trying to keep those big patches of green alive. The front yard... well its dust, its been driven over plowed up, tromped on and beat so much in the last year an a half that I'm not even going to worry about it until after we get the holding tank buried in the ground. IF we ever get the holding tank paid for that is! Haha construction and landscaping are not for the slight of patients!
Just after dinner my sister Mable and her boyfriend, along with my mother arrived to play a few rounds of dominoes, and we ended up playing into the wee hours of the night. Chatting, listening to records, and clinking the dominoes around the kitchen table.  My mom became nostalgic at one point and told me that the evening reminded her of summers with my Great Grandmother Avery at their cabin. It was one big room, and once a month all of my Great Grandmothers friends would come over, they would fix a big family style pot luck meal and afterward play dominoes, canasta, bridge, or checkers. Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

All in all it was a wonderfully leisure filled weekend and an excellent start to my favorite summer month of June! So much to do for the Party, and YIKES I am going to turn 23 on the 22nd of June!

Hope you all had a great weekend!



  1. Wow, Mick, on my June birthday I will turn 60, and I say "Yikes!", too. Your game of dominoes reminds me of summer nights with the windows open as a child, listening to my next door neighbors playing cards and laughing until the wee hours. A very comforting sound.

  2. What a fun blog post to read, I enjoyed your photos and your descriptions of your weekend. I could hear those dominoes clinking. I love to play dominoes, but no one else in my family does.

  3. Could you save your Atom Pop Popcorn Maker? It wasn't beyond cleaning, was it? That would be a tragedy! Your cactus is amazing. I sure hope it's right about the rain. Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing weekend. We did quite a bit of sitting outside too, enjoying the cooler weather. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you make a ton of money at the dance.

  4. love your doggie on her floaty thing.....she looks like she is having super fun!

  5. To have amassed such a Pyrex collection in under 23 years?!?!?! You're a wunderkind!!! Happy Birthday (if a few weeks too early)!

  6. June is quite the month for birthdays. Mine is the 7th, Maddie's the 10th, and Alex's the 21st. We are all in good company!

    Love love love love (did I say love?) all of your amazing patio furniture. I was so taken by it all that I didn't even notice your lawn:-)


  7. Wow! You have some great garden furniture. I am so jealous...I'd take any one of those pieces. Love your place and that it's always a party there.


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