Monday, May 6, 2013

What Light Through Younder Window Breaks?!

"Tis the East, West, and Juliet is the sun!" Dear Readers!
I apologize for my three week hiatus, I went on a cruise, then couldn't find my camera cord to upload pictures, and had nothing new to report. BUT now I do! Saturday Friend Larry had a free day and came by the Casablanca to get a few projects knocked out.
With the french doors in the next big projects for the living room included, installing the 8'8"window and framing the interior wall. Saturday morning had a few problems, but it was a wonderful day to cut a hole in the wall it went like this...

("Cheers!" Says Larry "Lets get this window in!")
Ta-da! Framed and painted. This is not the original window we had planed to use, this one turned out to be better for the project and was given to me by my boss at the Theatre, Dwane. (Thanks Dwane) What makes this window EVEN MORE perfect, is that when it was painted  It had been a set piece in a production "Beauty and the Beast" HOW COOL IS THAT, and just perfect for the quirky Casablanca!
Thank You Larry! It looks fantastic, and really opens up the room with all the wonderful sunlight! At night the light from inside floods the yard,its really great.
Once the window was set and secure Larry moved on to the interior wall, and although its old 4 studs set two feet apart it makes a WORLD of difference in the lay out of the rooms, its really starting to come together!
Please pardon our mess! We still haven't found a new home for the moon cut out from the Spring Dance. But there you have it, there is the new wall ready to be wired and insulated.  The only remaining construction projects are down to- finding/installing a bathroom window, finding/installing a back door and screen door to the bathroom, Installing the door between the living room and bathroom, adding steps under the french doors, and cutting a hole in the wall on the front of the house for the new air conditioner.  (sounds like a lot, but its really not!)
Another little "honey-do" that we knocked out this weekend, I finally go around to installing the 1925 brass mail box that I picked up in March.
I kept joking with Patricia that  with our new mail box, my lake neighbors are going to think we are "uppity" . Since mail is delivered at the main lake gate and not door to door, this box is really over kill but I love it! Yes, "Uppity, Uppity" with our vintage mail box and two door bells (a chime in the addition, and a buzzer in the 1943 part of the house!)
We are moving right along, I am hoping that by the end of May I can have the whole addition insulated and that by July/August we will be ready to put up the real ceiling and real walls!

Here's to fingers crossed, few complications, and hoping my pay checks are big!



  1. Wow, Mick...You've just about got this project sewed up. There's not much left to do at all. Everything is looking SOOOOOOOOO good! I'm really excited for you. The window and the french doors make all the difference in the world.

  2. Congrats on all of the progress! It is shaping up to be one heck of a room. I really love that pair of chairs!

  3. Love your furniture and seeing your place come together!

  4. Big windows are a great help in reducing electricity consumption since it allows more natural light to come in the house during the day. Larry has done a great job with your windows and I bet you’re very excited in your new home. I’m curious of your very beautiful house and I hope you can direct me to your house tour. Thanks, Mick! :)

    -Roxie Tenner-

  5. Moving right along I see Mick! That window really does open the place up,eh? Looks great already!
    I love those sofa chairs in front of the window. Mick you would love the 'stuff' at the place I am selling my 'mid-century' things. Opposite my 'space' is mid-century furniture. I LOVE it! It is pricey but so well-designed and in good shape. You would have a 'hayday' just looking at it. Ever up this way I'll show you around!!

    Place is looking good Mick and by summer you will all be kicking back and reaping the benefits of your labour!

  6. Mick it's BEEUTIFUL! and I do think those are the same chairs as mine, only NICER & with a COUCH!

  7. I love those windows for the reasons you mentioned. It looks like a great area to chill with a book while having a great backdrop of the outdoors. That said, the house is shaping up really well, Mick! I look forward to project's conclusion. -Antonia Johnston @ A&B Siding & Roofing


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