Wednesday, February 8, 2012

keep A Movin'

Have you ever asked yourself, "Do I have to much Furniture?" 
 (Bar in the lounge)
Something I learned in College Theater, and stand a firm believer in is the rule of set dressing "If you want to make a small space seem larger than it is, leave well placed 'open areas'." ( In short,  Less is More). 

 Let me just say I love my tiny house, (I'd provably love it more if it had a bathroom) But I love its proportions, I love how easy it is to clean and how each piece I've lugged and hauled out to the house fits as if it were meant to be there in its exact spot. Alas at some point you WILL run out of room, and then your charming little space becomes cramped... Thus far I've done pretty well with having just the right amount of junk around the house, all the bordering its style somewhere between Movie Set/ Muesuem Exhibit/ and Home.

If you'll remember I got this awesome portable bar I picked up in Kansas, we'll I've had the darnedest time trying to find a spot for it! I set it up in the lounge, in the spot I had bought it for. However in order to fully access the back of the bar it PRACTICALLY had to be in the middle of the room! So we tried other spots in the house...
In the Den...

As cozy as the set up was, I really hated to get rid of the drop leaf table. (And If I do get rid of the table it would be for more seating!) So we rolled it into the kitchen, where it would have made a good sized island and will provably be set up there, when we actually have a cocktail party. )

(Apparently I deleted the damn picture. But it didn't look good in the kitchen either.)

So after unpacking and rolling the bar all over the house, posing for various pictures, and swearing "We just need another room to solely dedicate to the bar..." I finally found a spot custom tailored for the bar!
That Ironically was three feet away from the starting point... none the less, I think its the perfect spot! conveniently located next to the ice crusher and just seconds away from two of the many "bottle openers". the fridge or sink. Haha now the question is what do I do with all the stuff I moved to put it there?!



  1. Definitely a pro/con.Love when you find the perfect spot for something but ahhhh to the frustration of trying to find that perfect spot for the other things you have moved out of the way for the other item!

  2. I feel your pain. I've reached the point where every time I buy something new, I have to sell something to make room for it. There is simply no more room for anything else in this house.

    What did you have to move to make room for the bar? Is it something you love just as much?

  3. Hmmm... here's an idea for future thought - Keep your eye out for a twin bed with a trundle. Then, you can get rid of the two beds you have and just have one set up. Then when you need extra sleeping space, pull the trundle out. This would allow you to free up space where the bed is in the back room for the bar. When the trundle is needed, just move the bar against the wall.

  4. How I love that bar! But omg, no bathroom?! No wonder y'all don't booze it up out there!

  5. Okay, I guess until now, I never realized that the Casablanca didn't have a bathroom? What the what! Anyway, I like the bar next to the red door and the ice crushers. I have realized that I too am at "maximum capacity" when it comes to stuff in the house. I have to upgrade items now if I want anything new. Since I'm selling at the local swap meet, I at least have a place to re-home the old stuff!

  6. Love all the bright colors in your house. The bar fits right in -- well, it took awhile to get it to fit in! But it does look great with everything else.

  7. When you have limited space it means your items have to be the best to earn their place, and this IS the best.

  8. Oh yes I am all to familiar with the problem of not having enough space...haha oh and love the bar!


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