Monday, November 3, 2014

Autumn Leaves

This weekend at Lake Diversion, I like to imagine is similar to Labor Day weekend in the South Hamptons. People out for one last hurrah before the "season" is over. The summer visitors, and weekenders close up their cabins and empty their water tanks in preparation for the winter months ahead.
Casablanca technically does not "close" but it does take a rest between January and March before the years new "social season" begins. There is always something slightly sad about this time of year, the land becomes barren and for most trips to the lake cease until next April.
(Is my air conditioner cover to conspicuous?)
This weekend one could really feel the change in seasons, as we took down most of the Halloween decorations and began preparing the house for winter.  This year we will be having Thanksmass Dinner down at the Pavilion, (which is weird to me, but there are just to many people to fit in the house.) So for a change, I wont have to completely rearrange the house. I decided to put one of my 6ft Aluminum Christmas trees in this corner and made a cover for the A/C unit out of a cardboard box and painted it coral to match the wall. Hopefully it wont stick out to much once the tree is in front of it. 
Well as Fall gives way to Winter, you all know I have Thanksmass on the brain! 



  1. What AC cover!
    'Autumn leaves'.....brings me back as this was the name of what my oldest sister had me running errands all through my junior high years to downtown to get for her. That was the colour of her favourite 'nylons'! That is correct, Mick, I used to get these for her.....of course I was paid handsomely to do this (at least it seemed like a lot back in 61 an 62!!
    Had to share that.
    Youyr place looks so cozy and ready for 'winter' break.

  2. Super good idea for the A/C!

    I hop you will share some pictures of the aluminum tree all decorated. I wish I could get my hands on one...I will probably find one when I least expect it.

    Thank for stopping by, you always make my day!


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