Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Disney, Universal, & The Classy Dinner!

Bright and early Tuesday morning Jordan Seigen, and I headed out to Walt Disney World, Magic Kingdom. While Patricia, Cindy and Margaret headed over to Universal Studios.
(Yours truly at the second happiest place on Earth!)
It was a bit overwhelming for the three of of, Jordan cried during the park opening ceremony. I too was over come with joy, as this is the EPITOME of American tourism, and here I was its tourist.

(Swiss Family Tree house.)
(The Enchanted Tiki Room!)
Luckily at the advice, and Disney pro of friend Kelcie, we went against the flow of park traffic and in turn had short lines and got to do everything we wanted! Since the park is a big circle there were quite a few rides that had no line at all, as no one had made their way around yet!
As this was a "vintage themed vacation" we had a few must see rides, they included- Big Thunder Mountain Rail Road (A favorite ride of Mamie Eisenhower's at Disney Land),
(Tom Sawyer Island)
Haunted Mansion, 
The Carousel of Progress and many many more! 
But no trip to Disney World would be complete without...
 (I don't care HOW OLD you are!)
After the Tea cups we wandered over to Dumbo's Big Top gift store to do some shopping.
 (From a set dressers point of view, I was astonished and delighted at each themed store!)
(This was the ONLY souvenir I HAD to get!)
( Worth it!)
We saw two parades, had Ice cream on Main Street (where I nearly got kicked out of the park, haha) We tried to stay a FULL day at Disney, but we got there at 8:00am, and by 4:00pm we were all beat, my feet hurt, I was out voted on staying, and the "happy" was wearing thin at the "Happiest place on Earth". I definitely want to go again though, and with a park hopper pass so we can go all over!

Bright and early the group headed out together to spend the day at Universal Studios Adventure Island.  Since we stayed at a Universal Hotel we were granted one hour early entry into Harry Potter World as part of our hotel package.
After we explored and rode all the rides in the Harry Potter world we spent the rest of the day enjoying the park!

(Margaret, Cindy, & Patricia!)
After a full day of theme parking, we headed back to the hotel to freshen up and decided to make Wednesday night the night we would go stepping out for dinner!
(Seigen, Cindy, Patrica, Margaret & Jordan.)
We set out from our hotel room, dressed to the nines, and turned all kinds of heads in the lobby. Miss Casablanca 1960 brought her crown all the way from Texas, It felt like we were in a movie. Hotel staff and guests even said we looked like we were in some kind of 1950's movie, class, class, class. Cabana Bay has four vintage restored cars out in the drive, we posed for pictures on our way to the "City Walk".
I wish we had had the keys to the Plymouth, but we took the complimentary shuttle.
(Jordan, Seigen, Cindy, Myself, Patrica & Margaret.)
While we waited in line, a nice little old lady spied us and said "I was just telling my grand kids that no one dresses up anymore, and here you all are. You all look so sharp!" That made my night!
("Standin' on a corner...")
Once we arrived to Universal's City Walk, the only ones in formal dress, We  daced in the square to the "cha cha slide" and our Casablanca favorite "The cupid shuffel"! We posed for pictures with an Italian guy, who was enamored with my black and white shoes. We all just looked so all around classy, we felt and acted like movie stars. We finally decided on a nice homemade Italian restaurant called "Vivo" to have our memorial dinner in.
You see, Wednesday August the 13th, marked the one year anniversary of the passing of our friend Andrew Duncan. To honor him, we dressed and went to dinner.
We couldn't help but smile, the night was so perfect! We had a very late dinner at 10:00pm, the food was fabulous, It was honestly like a scene out of the original "Oceans Eleven". Since we were in Florida it was a swanky night club, the Coconut Grove, or the Copacabana, and each of us was a star.
(A star studded table!)
 Here we see Mickey Rooney, Sophia Loren, Chita Rivera, Judy Garland, Lauren Bacall, and Sammy Davis Jr!
 (Old meets New)
Once we returned to the hotel, we stopped in the lobby for a few pictures. At this point it was close to midnight, but we never wanted the movie to end.
 (Me and Miss Casablanca 1960!)
It was truly a wonderful Tuesday and Wednesday, so relaxing, and we had each other to lean on during the hard times. I love these people! When we got back to the hotel a couple just checking in stopped and asked us if we were "Part of the hotel, like entertainment or singers" and we said no, we just went to dinner, to which the man said "Well, you guys look like you belong here! You fit right in!" That sealed the deal on an enchanting evening!
Tune in Friday, to see bowling, and our trip to the Silver Moon Drive-In Theater!

Wish you all were here!



  1. Great adventure recap Mick! Love the dog with the mouse ears

  2. That all sounds like so much fun, and you all looked great!

  3. What a killer vacation! The ears were totally worth it!!!

  4. Ah man! What an amazing trip you guys had. I miss Disney World. It was so hot when we were there last time that we could only visit the parks at night. Your dinner looked amazing and yes, very Oceans 11! Can't wait to see the rest :-)


  5. What an amazing time you had! I would love to have been there and seen you all dressed up and on the town! Thanks for sharing!


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