Wednesday, July 30, 2014

I'ts Madison Time!

As some of you might know, Patrica and I (and quite a few members from the Casablanca) are currently in rehearsals for an upcoming production of "Hairspray" the musical! Last night our fabulous choreographer and Dance Queen 1959 Stephanie taught the cast how to do "The Madison". Also last week Stephanie saddled me the "white male dance captain" for the show. No Pressure!  The above 45 record cover with the Ray Bryant Combo is from the 1988 movie soundtrack if "Hairspray". and is what I have chosen for the cast to sign for this show, and I'm sure this dance will be a favorite at all of our parties!

(We've practiced this dance till our legs hurt!)

I should be able to do a pretty good "Jackie Gleason" by the time the show opens!

"And Awaaaaaaaaaaay we go!"


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