Monday, April 7, 2014

I Love Lamps!

Seriously Readers, I might just have a problem...
I scored this AMAZING tripod floor lamp for $45 on Saturday! As soon as I laid eyes on it my heart jumped, and I told Patricia to be the voice of reason. However, I have always admired these so after some thought and a trip to the bathroom, I grabbed the price tag and ran walked calmly to the register.
BOY am I glad I didn't put it off much longer, turns out there were FOUR other people in the store that were seriously eying it! As I was checking out a lady came in the store front and gave a defeated sigh (she had apparently been on her way to buy the lamp, I offered it to her but she said "fair is fair".)
Found this beauty at Goodwill for $4.99, i'm not crazy about the shade (I don't think its the original) But I picked it up to use as a prop in a production of "Hairspray" later this year. I cannot WAIT to get my 1962 groove on, again!
 Lastly we have this lovely Asian Special that friend Missouri Michael (of the late "Cul-de sac Shack" Blog) picked up for me at an auction this weekend! This coming in as the most expensive lamp at $50.00 but it is SO worth it, just for the shade! Hopefully soon it will be illuminating the fountain side table in the Coral room!

I like all three lamps, but I am just WILD about the floor lamp! It will be making its way to the Casablanca soon... now to just find a place to put it.

Well, here it's Monday and I am broke once again, and my room looks like an antique store!



  1. I LOVE lamps too Mick! And these ones you've found are great! You have a 'good eye' for these things....but we already know that!

    You would have a blast in my basement....seriously you and Patrica would get lost for a while. So I know what you mean about that ''antique store' look!

    Have a great Monday.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great finds! Like you, I'm totally in love with your floor lamp. :)

  4. I just bought a had to have lamp this weekend!! Must be something in the air...! Can't even get over the red shade on the last one, LOVE. All three are fabulous!

  5. Hey, you snooze you lose! I have learned the hard way that if I have my eye on something, to grab it before someone else does!

    That floor lamp is AMAZING! So happy that you found it and at such a good price. And really, is there anything wrong with your room looking like an antique store?

    Have an awesome week!


  6. Wow Mick! Great lamps!! I am so sorry for the loss of your Grandma. I know you had so many great times with her, and there will be a void, but hold on to all the love and memories.

  7. Looks like you have a pretty serious case of lampalia!

    We have it here too at Casa de Vonlipi (aka House of Pyex).

    I love all three! but the asian beauty the best!

    Say hi to our Cul de Sac Shack friend, he is missed!

  8. What great period lamps! Real finds. Isn't thrift/flea/junk shopping fun?


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