Monday, March 24, 2014

Cast Your Votes!

Coming Friday I will regale you with tales from the Casablanca's 1960 Spring Break Formal Dance! Until then lets take a look at some of the campaign posters for King and Queen of the Dance!
(Bonnie & Austin!)

(Terrace & Jacob!)
(Who starred in West Side Story as Bernardo & Anita)
(Paige & Philip!)


(Jacob & Terrace!)

(Austin & Bonnie!)

(Philip & Paige!)

Tune in Friday to see who was crowed King and Queen of the Dance, as well as to see all of the magical things that happened at the dance that night! Truly Some Enchanted Evening...



  1. Great posters! Corabelle gets my vote! She looks positively regal in her crown. :)

  2. Corabelle....Corabelle...Corabelle(chanting)

    I think Corabelle should win, obviously!


  3. ".....You may see a stranger, you may see a stranger....."
    See, you got me singing Mick! lol

    Really good posters and may the best couple win!


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