Monday, January 27, 2014

Rockin' The "To-Do" list, A Little Landscaping...

 (Friend Jordan knows there is LOTS to do!)
Well Readers, 1960 is upon us and as I look around the Casablanca waiting for spring I happen to notice... everything needs a little sprucing up! This weekend Patricia, friend Jordan and I started to tackle to "revamp" of the backyard.
Three years of fabulous parties, and neglect from my job at the theatre has taken quite a toll on the back yard. However with a few weekend of work and some fresh paint all will be good as knew! Sunday morning I started by collecting and disposing off all of the broken and downed mesquite tree limbs, and planning out a way to terrace the gravel pit. Jordan then helped me by moving rocks from the front yard, all the way out back to build a small wall that will help with erosion. I mean, should it ever decide to "rain" again...
I have QUITE the pile of rocks collected in the front yard, there were enough to stack into a small retaining wall to stop erosion. We also took the wider rocks and added to the seating of the fire pit. So now the fire pit has two tiers and lots of seating!
(Corabelle approves of these new levels!)
 Hopefully the next thing to cross off the list will be getting rid of all that junk wood in the back of the fire pit. I had planned to just burn it in the pit, but as it's never going to rain again it needs to go.
Meanwhile I plan to start priming and repainting all 36 pieces of the lawn furniture during the week and exporting it back to the lake with a nice fresh coat. This week will be the turquoise pieces! With help we plan to knock out two projects a weekend...

Maybe by April we will have this list crossed off!



  1. 36 pieces of lawn furniture?! Holy crap, you're gonna be busy!
    Good luck with your list. The fun never ends in home ownership. :-)

  2. You're gonna be busy...but it will be a FUN busy! :)

  3. Yay for turquoise paint!

    Whenever you get tired, and wonder why you started all the work of cleaning up the yard remember those of us whose flower gardens are buried under feet of snow in the frigid arctic tundra. You know, Wisconsin.


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