Monday, January 13, 2014

Miller, McCoy, and the Hippopotamus Twist!

It was a busy weekend for us dear Readers! Saturday Patrica, friend Margaret and I went to the Casablanca to take down and pack away the Christmas decorations. It turned out to be quite a job!
(I hated to take it down!)
Apparently I have picked up quite a few "vintage Christmas" things, this year when we started I had two medium rubbermaid buckets full, and now I have FIVE! So I think its safe to say I can lay off the Christmas stuff.
(Back to its "normal" set up.)
The bookcase is one of the things we picked up in Missouri, I'm glad to have a place to put the books vs stacking them on the floor! Above in the shadow box shelves I have displayed our growing collection of McCoy vases.
(The two new McCoy vases I picked up for $6.00)
Sunday having packed away the majority of the decorations, we treated ourselfs to the Bowie Trade days at the Bowie Flea Market. 
(Emily, Jennifer, Cindy, & Patrica with their new Hippo's!)
We had wonderful weather for the market on Sunday. We walked around and found some great stuff, the girls picked up these neat ceramic hippo "card and pen holders" for a steal at $2.50 apiece.
(Pony Time- by Chubby Checker!)

This record comes with kind of a cool story. My resolution this year is of some wise words my Grandmother Jordan gave me "Do good, and good will happen." Well while digging through records at the flea market Patricia and I found this one, when we were paying the seller the wind whipped a $5.00 bill out of his hand while he was making change. I slipped under a hand rail and chased the bill around the corner of the building and stopped it before it blew away. The seller was so thankful of me going after the lost bill that he just gave us the record!  Also, "Parkway" is the name of a favorite restaurant and bar where all the actors here in town like to go!
(Herman Miller Studio Fish!)
Ever since we started dreaming of a real bathroom at the Casablanca I have been hunting and collecting Miller Studio fish. OF COURSE after I decided to collect them they became insanely popular again and now they are hard to find at a thrifty price. I have about seven fishes gathered up (and one air bubble) in all colors blue, yellow, and one pink! SO I was pretty thrilled to find this pair for a steal at $4.00 for the pair! I can't wait to have the bathroom finished and hang them on the walls!

It was a fun and busy weekend, with lots of surprises!



  1. Oh Mick! That video really brought back so many good memories!! I was in junior high when this tune came out and was it popular!! Thanks!
    I have a few McCoy pieces and really like them too.
    Miller Studios eh? Will keep an eye open for those. Have never seen them before. Always learning something here at 'Mick's '. Have a great week.

  2. Both my grandmothers had tons of McCoy planters, and not a one survived. If only I had known then what I know now...::sigh::

    That's a neat story about the record. Doing good does have a way of making good happen. A man in front of me at the bank left his card in the ATM. I followed him, honking, for about 6 blocks before he pulled over. I bet at first he thought I was nuts...haha

  3. I love Grandma Jordan's wise words. It's so true I think...that you "get what you give".
    The green fish are sooo darn cute! I've always wanted some.
    Thanks for sharing! :)


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