Monday, January 20, 2014

Bathroom Update!

 (This is EXCITING!)
Patricia and I did extensive Home Improvement research this weekend Dear Readers! We spent nearly all of Saturday in and out of stores, comparing prices and colors. I purchased a sample to try out before making my final choice and I have to say I am sold on the "stock" pinwheel from Lowe's.
The sales guy at Lowe's was concerned when I just started taking out sheets of tile and laying them on the floor. I needed to see it in real life, not on a display picture. I think this will work quite nicely and I'm 100% sure we will use black grout.
The above two pictures will give you a good idea of color scheme! Black and white pinwheel tile with black grout for flooring. I now plan to paint the walls to have a wainscot. (I might have the wall around the bathtub tiled.) Using Valspar Notre Dame on the bottom four foot of the wall and Comet Dust on the top four feet. The ceiling I think will be a basic white. All the fixtures and hardware will be chrome. The claw foot bathtub and metal linen cabinet will be painted burgundy. (And I will have burgundy towels and things)
(My 1940's white enamel cast iron pedestal sink!)
(Awesome working 1930's vanity lights I picked up in Kansas.)
(1930's Toothbrush and glass holder)

I have so much cool 1940's and 50's junk to fill the bathroom with, but I just have to be patient... get it painted, tiled, plumed, and get it all hooked up.

Heheheh nothing money and time wont fix!



  1. It's going to look amazing! I can totally picture it. I love the colors that you chose for the walls. Can't wait to see it all come together. We built our house so I can honestly tell you that picking out things like flooring and paint can be one of the hardest things you do. You are good to go!


  2. I love your choices! It's going to look fantastic.

  3. Your Bathroom Update is going to be the best looking Vintage bathroom... :)
    I like everything you have to work with so far!

  4. Love your attitude with patience and really like your tile and colour choices, Mick. Going to look really nice!
    LOVE that old pedestal sink. I swear you have been reincarnated from this time period!! lol

  5. Those lights! Swoon! I love the tile choice, and with black grout, it will be super easy to keep clean. Your bathroom is going to look so good!

  6. I admire your dedication and attention to details.

    I can't wait to see the progress and the finished product!!!


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