Monday, December 16, 2013

Last Friday.

Around 3:30P.M. I was in a head on collision caused by another driver (who was arrested for DWI). Airbags deployed, windows smashed, car totaled, and I walked away with only a few bruises and scrapes.  I was in the drivers seat of this minivan. The police on the scene said it was amazing the car hadn't rolled over, and that there was no explainable reason why the motor hadn't come through the cab and broken both my legs.

I trust in God, and I know that I have Angels watching out for me. There is no other way to explain it.

I am so very happy to be alive and to have walked away.

Praise be to God.



  1. Geez louise! Thank goodness you're ok! Ugh...I really hate people. Is it really worth it to have a few and then drive? Nope, it sure as hell isn't! Idiots...sorry, I just get a little riled up about it. I'm just very happy that you're ok.

  2. Oh my goodness! What an awful accident! Glad to hear you walked away with only bumps and bruises. Yes, your guardian angel was diffidently with you that day! We hope the rest of your December goes a lot smoother than last Friday! Glad you're okay.

  3. Holy heck! I'm so glad that you are okay. Angels indeed.

  4. Oh my gosh! Thank goodness you are okay! God works miracles and this is definitely one of them. Enjoy Christmas!

  5. I'm so glad you escaped the collision with so few injuries! It's so frightening how quickly something like that can happen, even when you're doing what you're supposed to do. You just never can count on the other person to be doing the right thing!

    I hope the rest of your holiday is wonderful!

  6. Mick I am so glad you are OK! Gosh that is scary! Angels can protect for sure! Thanking God for your safety!

  7. Glad you came out okay! Sorry to hear about the accident. Thank God indeed!

  8. I am so happy that you are okay! People can be such complete and total selfish freaking idiots. Call a cab or have a designated driver! If you would have been hurt, that driver would have some seriously pissed Thrifer Sisters tracking him down.

    :-) Erica

  9. Mick-
    Wow. So glad to see and read that you are ok. Praise be to God for sure. I know this has got to rattle you a little, especially, just having lost a good friend this year in an accident.
    You are here for a reason, my friend. Blessings, Pat

  10. A miracle! Amazing you had no major injury. Another reason to feel blessed this holiday season.

  11. We're so glad that you're okay! How scary! Thanks for the reminder to appreciate how delicate/precious life is.

  12. It is a miracle you were not hurt in that horrible crash!
    Definitely a Xmas miracle.

    God bless you all year


  13. Mick! WOW! Yes you do have angels watching over you. I am so happy you are OK and I also know how traumatic this must have been for you. Do take care and I hope you are feeling a little better.

  14. Praise God you are here and whole! Don't scare us like that.

  15. (Finally able to catch up on some blog browsing) and yikes! glad to hear you are OK!


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