Monday, September 30, 2013

It's Buddha-ful!

My Favorite thrift store (that has long been dry) has been showering me with fantastic finds Dear Readers! A few months ago I first saw the "Buddha bowl" over on Dana's blog Mid2Mod and I was smitten. I was not so smitten about the $38.00 price tag... So picture my total SHOCK and and double take when I spot a "Pacific" color (Turquoise is my FAVORITE color) Buddha Bowl on a shelf for a mere $1.41!!! Modern style this great, for this price, AND in my all time favorite color... THAT JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN HERE!

I am a thrift store bum, NAY a thrift store king and I have no shame of it!



  1. Oooh, that's cool! Now you need to enjoy it with some kind of delicious fall beverage and revel in your kingliness! : )

  2. Wow!!! $1.41????? That's fantastic. You are definitely the thrift king, and I'm bowing to you right now. What a score. That's going to be perfect for soup and hot chocolate this winter, Your Highness. :)

  3. You are so lucky! I have absolutely no idea what a Buddha bowl is but who cares?! It's turquoise and I would have grabbed it too!



Tell me all about it!