Monday, July 29, 2013

We've Hit the "Wooden Ceiling"...

(Friends Joe and Utah- playing Atlas!)
Readers I am so excited to share with you! This weekend friends Utah and Joe along with my Dad spent the weekend at the Casablanca to put in the ceiling.
(Living room)
(Bathroom, I'm just wild about the bead board!)
(The In-between of the living room and kitchen!)
It was fast work, Dad cut the plywood Utah, Joe, and I fitted the sheets and screwed them into the ceiling joists and by lunchtime both the bathroom and living room were done. It makes SUCH a huge difference, and its so exciting to be getting closer to having a real room! Friend Joe drove down six hours just to come and help us, and spend the weekend. Utah and Joe are my weekend Heroes!
In other FANTASTIC news, I have been watching this door at our Local Habitat for Humanity, it was $65.00.
I debated getting it (I love the idea that none of the doors in the Casablanca match, gives it character.) So picture my ecstasy when I go to check on the door and its been marked down from $65.00 to $20.00!!! I couldn't get my money out fast enough!
The cool thing about this door, is that it is two inches short, which means there will be plenty of room to put a transom window over it to let air into the bathroom. Transom windows have been on  list of "weird old things I dream about having." I also think I've got just the perfect window to use too!

I finally completed the landing to the front steps on Sunday morning.Using a few brick pavers lined with natural rock the landing matched the one on the front steps!

It was an awesome weekend of work and fun, Saturday after the construction was over we spent the afternoon watching Abbot and Costello movies and picked a few great lines- careful with em' they're antiques! Along with a viewing of "Journey to the Bottom of the Sea", watch out for the Van-Halen Belt.

I thank Utah, Joe, and Dad for all the help! Projects are moving along and hopefully by the end of September all the walls, doors, and trim will be up and in place.

"Now let's all head down to the champagne room, lemonade's on me!"



  1. I love that beadboard! Keep up the good work things are looking fantastic!

  2. I love the idea of transom windows! I can't wait to see what you find:-)


  3. The ceilings look great, and a transom window will be wonderful for the bathroom.

    We got a vintage door for the main house a couple of days ago. Joe is going to take it to Hank, the guy who refinishes all our furniture, and get him to strip it and paint it orange like the one we have now. Need another exterior door?


Tell me all about it!