Monday, May 20, 2013

~The 1959 Miss Casablanca Contest~

(Contestants, Nicole, Terrace, Audrey, Alex & Emily)
My goodness what a weekend Dear Readers! The Casablanca hosted its third annual "Miss Casablanca Contest" on Saturday, and let me tell you it was QUITE a show! With 22 guests in attendance  we tried to beat the heat by hosting this years contest later in the afternoon, while we waited on contestants and party guest to arrive we laid out a pot luck picnic in the kitchen.
(Watermelon, and all the summer favorites!)
(Kathy and Matt!)
(Emily C!)
(Alex, Jensen, Sarah.)
(Seigen, Audrey, Caitlyn, Austin, Nicole.)
(Caitlyn, Austin, Nicole, Emily A, & Hannah!)
Having eaten, and all the contestants and judges arrived, we made our way into the back yard to begin the 1959 Miss Casablanca Contest!

As is tradition, immediately following the "swim suit" portion of the contest the young ladies gathered to share a message...

As you will notice we go to great lengths to stress this is NOT a pageant! Following the first segment of our program came the exciting talent round, and although the windy weather proved to be troublesome, our lovely ladies competed with grace!





Wow these girls are wonderful! That dang wind caused problems for everyone, but they all took it in stride. Next came the Evening Gown portion of the contest!

Finally, we came to the last category in the competition (and always my favorite) the Personal Interviews-





Such excellent answers, I always enjoy hearing what people love most about the Casablanca!
All categories being completed, the judges conferred and came to the monumental decision of Miss Casablanca 1959!

(Audrey- Miss Casablanca 1959, 
Brianna- Miss Casablanca 1958, 
& Terrace- Runner Up Miss Casablanca 1959)
While she was crowned one of our MC's sang a new song for the Contest "Here She Is, Miss Casablanca!" unfortunately the video of this song was lost. But it will be a staple of the contest for years to come! With the contest wrapped up, more merriment commenced!
Dancing the night away!

We were due to have a movie on the Flamingo Drive-In, but the wind continued to kick up and it looked like a storm was blowing in. So we all moved into the house for a variety of entertainments, piano solos, card games, talk and treats!
(Jordan, Jensen, Patricia, Audrey, Seigen!)
(Zack, Austin, Brianna!)
It was a wonderful evening and lots of fun! Even with 20 people amongst us it really didn't feel crowded and everyone was had a good time. (The last guests leaving at 4:00A.M. on Sunday Morning!) Patricia and I just want to say thank you to everyone who came! Thank you all for dressing up and bringing food and drink! You all make these parties so wonderful and fun, we just love giving them! I'd like to thank all of the talented young ladies who competed in the miss Casablanca Contest, you all are so talented and terrific! A special thanks to our Masters of Ceremony's- Jensen & Seigen, and also to our judges Brianna, Deanna, and Alton! Thank you all so much! 



  1. This is all kinds of awesome! I'd much rather watch the Miss Casablanca Contest than any of the televised beauty pageant any day (they sorely lack vintage style!). Congrats on another great event - I bet everybody is already looking forward to the 4th one!

    ♥ Jessica

  2. Never a dull moment at the Casablanca! The season seems to be in full swing!

  3. Hey Mick and gang! This looked like a BALL!! From the food display, the dancing, the music, the funny judges, the contestants and their talents.....good fun had by all!
    Special mention to Terrace for thinking to the classic 'Marilyn Monroe' wind incident!! Well done!!
    Great job on this post too Mick....a lot of work to put this together. A true 'theatre' person you are!!

  4. Gosh Darn Y'all know how to throw a Shindig! Maybe next year have a virtual Ms. Casablanca contest for us internet fans? Think about it ;-)


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