Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Tradition Of Excellence!

Spring Break 2010

Spring Break 2011

Spring Break 2012

Today marks the opening of the 8th Social Season here at the Casablanca, what began as a humble gathering of friends has started to grow and blossom into a wonderful club of wonderful and talented people.

I am Blessed, so very, very Blessed.



  1. look at that crowd grow!:) looks like a great group! :)

  2. What fun! And it gets bigger and better each year - it looks like. How fun to dress up for a Prom in 1958. I'd love that.

  3. Pretty soon you'll need another 'addition' put on!! lol

  4. Yea!! Casablanca is THE place to be!

  5. Wow, I had no idea that you started with just a handful of people. Look at your members now. Fantastic!


Tell me all about it!