Monday, January 28, 2013

Well It's Only A Paper Moon...

Well readers we are still chugging away, making preparations for the Spring Break Dance! I think this year since out theme is "It's Only A Paper Moon" I'd like to try and make one of those old timey photo stands that are a giant crescent moon that one sits on for a picture, you know the kind...
(I love this one, so quaint.)
(I love the starry back ground!)
(But I think the best combo is Stars and Clouds.)
Over at Dollie Deville's blog The Rockabilly Socialite She cut out and made a moon for her FABULOUS wedding reception and I'm hoping to do the same for our dance!



  1. Paper Moon is one of my favorite movies! And, I've always loved the photos with the moon, too! I saw Dolly's pix.. they were so cool. Hope you have a great week!

  2. You're so right...the one with the clouds and stars is perfect. That's such a great idea.

  3. Hey, in our house this is one of our favourites!! 'Well It's Only A paper Moon' brings back memories of the movie 'Paper Moon' with Ryan and Tatum O'Neil.....I have been trying since the late 70's to find the sound track.....without much success.
    Sounds like a great theme Mick and as usual I'll be waiting to see the festivities at Casablanca.

  4. Ahh those moons are beautiful and so romantic to. What a great idea for your dance to. dee ;-)

  5. Paper moon photos are such an endearingly sweet element of yesteryear photography. I've included the occasional one amongst my Saturday Snapshot posts over the years, and nearly always favourite them when I come across them on Flickr. These are some marvelous examples, thank you very much for brightening my (our) day with them.

    ♥ Jessica

    *PS* Thank you as well for your lovely comment on my January recap post today. You'll be happy to know there's a Valentine's Day related vintage recipe on the horizon in a few days. :)

  6. Can't wait to see your moon! (that didn't sound right but you know what I mean) I know it will turn out perfect.


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