Monday, January 7, 2013

The 48 State Travel Plate Challenge!

This is one I have been trying to start for a while. This project will be for the screened lounge at the front of the house. It's the goal over this year to thrift and collect travel plates from all 48 of the United States!
ONLY FORTY EIGHT STATES?! I hear you cry, well yes. As one of my neat little quirks, the Casablanca was built in 1943, and in 1943 there were only 48 states in the union (even thought Alaska and Hawaii were annexed.
While on vacation in Kansas Patricia and I happened on a FANTASTIC start to this project. While rooting around in a Goodwill we found a large stack of travel plates, I was skeptical because usually these plates are $1.00-$5.00 but much to my delight we found 13 plates for $0.48 A PIECE! So we scooped them up and ran away like bandits, the cashier thought i was crazy buying all these old travel plates.
We collected states - New Mexico, Tennessee, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, Utah, New York, Iowa, Arkansas, Wyoming, Indiana, Virginia, and Missouri. Better yet I think I have a few other random state plates tucked away!

A fun and frivolous challenge!



  1. You really did get a great start. I can't wait to see if you make your goal by the end of the year. If I run across any, I'll pick them up for you.

  2. I collect those, too! I had gotten to 22 when my old house flooded and they were destroyed. Sniff.

    Good find! I also love the colonial couple china pattern that company produced!

  3. What a fun collection to start. I have a friend who has one complete set and has started another. I have a state plate somewhere you could have if you wanted it! Let me know in an email.

    hugs, Linda

  4. You should have no problem with this challenge! I see these plates at the thrifts all the time.

    Good luck!


  5. Now am I happy I live in a country with only 10 provinces and two territories? Yes! I say!
    Good luck with this Mick! They will look great at Casablanca. And what a DEAL! 48 cents?! A total deal!

  6. And now I have this song stuck in my head.

  7. Very Nice Mick!! What fun....we think it's a splendid idea....let us know if you need an OHIO....I think we have one around here :)
    By the way...nice score on the tree...fantastic!!
    Happy New Year!
    Karla & Karrie

  8. What a fun collection to start! I have a pink NM plate and love it. Good luck!

  9. That will be fun! I have a Florida one if you want it, though I imagine that would be one of the easiest to find. I will keep an eye out for PA/NJ though.

  10. Good luck with the collecting--that's the fun!


Tell me all about it!