Monday, November 19, 2012

Miracle of Miracles!

The table cloths you see before you dear readers I have not seen in the LAST TWO YEARS! Back in 2010 when the Wichita Theatre presented "It's A Wonderful Life" I had these table cloths on a folding table in "Mary Bailey's" Living room. After the show closed, they disappeared. I thought someone might have taken them, or they'd been throw in the rag pile and no matter HOW hard I hunted I couldn't find them. So imagine my surprise when while working at the theatre Sunday, I knock over a box in a far corner and THERE THEY ARE!!!  I am so happy to have them back!
("Your lips are like a red leather couch in an ivory palace.")
The above quote comes from the major motion picture Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Saturday between rehearsals Patricia and I went thrifting and I found this red vinyl bench/toy box for $20.00 I snatched it up because it matches the bar in the lounge of the Casablanca PERFECTLY plus we can store stuff in it!
I am also terribly happy to announce that Pontipee Hall is IN THE DRY! And is awaiting the simi-removal of the kitchen wall to make a doorway into the new room. My wonderful Dad went to the lake on Friday and finished up the last few panels of siding and roof. Next week after Thanksgiving friend Russ is due to come wire the room up, so we might just have electricity in the west wing of Pontipee Hall in time for Thanksmass!
(We have moved the kitchen table out of the way.)
(All of the Pyrex has been evacuated to the Kitchen counters.)
 The threshold into the new room will be as wide as the window that is currently there (about 6ft) and will provably be cut out this coming Saturday. We are so close I can taste it!

Tastes like saw dust....



  1. Yay, progress! It's looking great and will be ready before you know it. So glad you got your tablecloths back. That would haunt me forever if I lost any precious vintage linens. My sister keeps telling me she needs some of mine for projects. Projects include scissors and NO WAY IS THAT HAPPENING! I actually found the matching table runner of the pine cone tablecloth at Plucky Maidens this weekend. I love it!


  2. Hooray for finding the table cloths. I lost a necklace a couple of years ago, and it's still driving me crazy.

    Probably the funniest lines you've ever written are: "We're so close I can taste it! Tastes like saw dust..." I'll be laughing about that for the rest of the day.

  3. Hey! I thought you were going to say "tastes like chicken"! I have several Xmas tablecloths and I love them all--they're not easy to find, especially without stains and holes, but I've been lucky. I'll get one with stains though because if you soak it for a week in Oxyclean it gets out most stains and doesn't mess up the colors. CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK! I'm getting in Friday so you will have to tell me where I can do a little thrifting in your area.

  4. I'm very jealous of those tablecloths. Love.

  5. Cool Mick! I hate it when I look for something I know I have, then can't find it! Lovin the cloths. I have to use the Oxyclean like Vintage Chris says. I'm so jealous that she gets to come, but hope you have FUN!!!

  6. OH Yay! They are like an early Christmas present to yourself.

  7. Things are moving right along Mick! Once the place is wired the walls will take no time to put up. Nice find with the red chest/ will come in handy for storage as you said.

    Mick, Happy Thanksgiving to you and all at the Casablanca.

  8. That's fantastic! I just love those rare occasions when you happen to unearth something that had long been given up for dead (aka, lost). I'm the type of person who rarely forgets when something goes missing, and who always keeps a candle burning in the hope that a misplaced object will be found once more, so this story warms my heart. :)

    ♥ Jessica


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