Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

 The one day a year, when its perfectly normal to Be A Clown...A little Cole Porter for you all!

Pardon the Spanish subtitles, this is the best version I could find on Youtube!  Have a happy and safe Halloween everyone.

Lots of Trick's and maybe some Treats!



  1. Hope there's some Happy Halloweening going on at the Casablanca!

  2. Happy Halloween! When my daughter was just a wee thing she ADORED Hocus Pocus, loving the witches best of course! Amok amok amok! I hope you had a fun time! Jet

  3. Yay! I adore the fact that you're a big Hocus Pocus fan, too. I absolutely, without fail need to watch that movie at least once a year for the Halloween season to feel right (and complete) for me. The same also goes for It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

    And speaking of All Hallows Eve, thank you very much for your wonderfully nice comment on my costume post. Love that you think I look like I'd be well suited to take care of Mr. Stewart - no arguments there on my part! :)

    ♥ Jessica


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