Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Progress & Our Puppy, Cora B.!

(Our new dog, Cora Belle!)
Ohhhhh Readers, what a week it's been!
Patricia and I rescued Cora B. from the pound, she is mostly Corgi with a little twist. It was a somewhat tedious process of paper work, going to two different locations, but she has found a home with us and has fit right in with the Casablanca crew. 
Bright and early Saturday morning Dad and I started on the floor beams of the addition. It has now been four days since Saturday and my hands STILL cramp and my ham strings are still sore, but I am glad we've gotten things started. My Dad is amazing, I firmly believe there isn't anything he cant do or figure out and I hope to be lucky enough to learn/inherit just a fraction of what he can do! THANKS DAD!
I must admit its rather neat to see the progression...
Boy I wish I could just "montage" through all this construction to the end, but on the up and up my contractor is supposed to be coming back from Louisiana in just a few weeks and then this project is first priority!  This next weekend Dad and I are going to insulate the floor, and add the deck, we'll also be installing a PVC pipe drain in the back of the house to divert water around the side of the house, ya know- should it ever rain again...

*Sigh* piece by piece- it'll be nice someday!


  1. Great update on the Casablanca! I love your new puppy! So cute!!!

    hugs, Linda

  2. Keep up the good fight, it takes years to complete a house when your doing it yourself. When your done it's so gratifying that you did it yourself.

  3. How cool about Cora B. I'm sure she'll love all the attention she gets at the Casablanca.

  4. My first thought when I saw Cora was that you have the same dog that the Queen of England has! Apparently HER dogs are ill-tempered so I'm glad to hear Cora is a friendly gal. I don't guess you'll have the addition ready by Thanksmass but at least it'll be well on its way to completion. I need to find someplace to stay around there (that allows dogs)--any suggestions? A La Quinta would be perfect.

  5. Wow, feel free to come to my house next and build me a deck! Great job!

    Sweet pup...

  6. Cora is the cutest!

    I'm glad you rescued her from the pound, besides Heinz 57 puppies are the best.

    The drain to divert rain water is called a french drain in my neck of the woods and I have NO idea why! LOL

    Keep up the good work :)

  7. I always wanted to get a Corgi and name it Radar.

    And I love that deck!


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