Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cast Party!

Well the show is over, boy was it a BLAST! Last Sunday Patricia and I along with friends hosted a party for the cast as well as some new friends and out of town visitors!
(Robin, Luke, Ben & Katy)
 (Brandon & Jennifer)

(Jennifer, Patricia, Ben, Terrace & Katy!)
Now for a Special Bulletin, this just in!
Friends Brandon, Ben & Jennifer made their third visit to the Casablanca this Sunday, three visits means they are now official members! 
But wait, there's more!

Terrace's friends Jenny & Jess came down from Pennsylvania to see the show, and graced us with their presence at the Casablanca! We really loved getting to meet them, they were great company and hope they visit again someday! I mean it ladies!

The Zombie Prom cast gathered at the Casablanca, almost all of us bringing food and drink to share! I popped a meatloaf in the oven and Ben had been working on a to die for pulled pork.
(Robin- working up her Locally famous baked potatoes!)
In no time at all we had a heck of a buffet set up-
Laurie's terrific potato salad, deviled eggs, a house salad, and potato fixings. Needless to say it was a plate full!
After dinner Jennifer & Katy served up some cake/ Oreo balls they'd made just for the occasion.
After Dinner we enjoyed a few rounds of the game "What if" in the lounge...
(Patricia, Jenny & Jess.)
(Jess, Jenny, Katy, Terrace, Patricia, and Jarrod in the Den.)
 (Robin and Luke)
(Brandon & Myself.)
(The unsung heroes!)
While most got ready to play the game, friends Laurie and John graciously helped do the dishes, like I say every time Thank you guys! You didn't have to!
After a few rounds of "What if" we all moved out to the Drive-In for a showing of short film  "Zombie Prom" based on the script from our show!

All in all it was a wonderful evening with good food and great friends!

"Here's to Us!"



  1. I love all the smiles that are generated at a party at Mick's.

  2. Another great get-together Mick! Good and new friends, great entertainment and THE FOOD!! YEOW! I'm hungry...thanks!

  3. Cuuute! Loving all the mod decor goodness on this adorable blog. And zombies, love 'em. Shall follow and be back to read more!

  4. Stopping by via Laurel's Afton Station blog...your house is sheer awesomeness!


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