Friday, May 18, 2012

Mr & Miss Saigon

I have been searching for "His & Hers" art to hang over the beds at the Casablanca for years now. I went to Goodwill last Saturday and saw these way up high on a shelf.
These aren't quite as long as I would like them to be, but until I find that PERFECT set I will replace them, however for $4.00 for the pair they'll work just fine!
Despite what the title says, I've named these two "Lun Tha & Tuptim" after the star-crossed lovers from Rodger and Hammerstein's  "The King & I".
"When people are near, we speak not a word. Alone in our secret, together we sigh..."



  1. Plaques like these were sooo popular, as were Oriental things we can get them for a song now because Oriental is not in "in vogue" with mid century collectors. Great finds!


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