Friday, April 20, 2012


Look what I picked up from my Church!
(I could hardly believe it!)
I have adored this set since I was 14 and first saw it in the "Jr High Sunday School room" it looks almost as new as it did in the 1960's! I have no idea what brand or type, or year any of it is. Wednesday my mom and sister informed me the High School class was going to throw them away and the youth pastor said that I could have them. So after 7 years of silent prayers these beauties came home with me.
(Sorry for the bad cell phone pictures)
I didn't have much time Wednesday so I snapped these real quick before I put them in the storage unit.
Issue wise, I know one of the cushions on the Devan has a soda/coffee spill on it but luckily the top sides are good. The center leg is also loose so I will fix it when I get a chance. Other than that the set is near mint! It will be going in then new Dining/Living room at the Casablanca once its built later this year. I have the urge to have plastic slip covers made for the couch and chairs, to (jokingly) put on during big parties! Haha

Well we are off on an adventure,be back Monday or Wednesday!



  1. Nice! It's hard to beat free furniture!

  2. Oh, wow...that's a fantastic set. And you can't beat getting it free! Congratulations!!!

  3. that's a really cool story. Where are you going to put them in the meantime?

  4. Great find! Simple, clean midcentury lines...

  5. Awesome score Mick, we have nothing like those style lounges here, I'm very jealous!

  6. Oh my gosh I am SO jealous/happy!Congrats on the set!

  7. holy Moses on a motorbike, you hit the jackpot on those! congrats! And FWIW, I keep plastic on my 1930's dining room chairs.


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