Tuesday, December 20, 2011

All Set!

We finished a Set!  I love the more bright and "pastel" colored Pyrex, its cheery and goes well with all summer occasions and this is what we consider a "set" Yellow, Turquoise, Chartreuse, & Flamingo Pink. It's my hope to collect  most of the baking basics in these four colors.
We still need quite a few pieces...
A Pink and a Green loaf pan, and Turquoise and a Yellow long pan. A Turquoise and a yellow 9" Pie plate. a Turquoise and a green 8" round cake pan. All of these pieces are NOT must have right this moment... but this is the stuff we frequently look for and use the most.
Oh Well, until then the Hunt continues...



  1. Ah, the thrill of the hunt, and your Pyrex is much more attractive than an old Moose head.

  2. The color mix is beautiful! You have such a nice cabinet to display them in too. Currently I'm obsessed with the Fridgies. I have decided to eliminate all of the cheap plastic food storage containers I had in favor of the candy colored glass versions that Pyrex made. Isn't Pyrex great?

  3. I swear, I never thought I'd become a Pyrex collector, but all of you keep showing these beautiful sets, and I keep inching closer and closer to giving in and joining the search!

  4. Oh, I remember when you got that turquoise loaf pan! The sets are looking good!

  5. The sets are very pretty! & I'm sure I've said it before but I LOVE your dinette table!

  6. The Pyrex is great, but, wow, I love your yin and yang table. Always a balanced meal at that table, for sure! Also, your music selection is great, too. Thanks.


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