Monday, September 12, 2011

The Hutch-

Well readers, I'm sure all of you have had that "Oh I don't really need it, but it would be perfect anyways, OH WHAT THE HECK why not, I'll never find one as good as this again..." moment - well it happened to me this week.  I am currently up to my ears in prep work for the upcoming production of "King & I" at the theater, and we have on loan this beautiful caved door piece from the antique store across the street -
 (Actual retail price... $1,600.00, that's why its on loan)
The store is know as "Alley Cat" and its got a mix of vintage things/ books/ homemade/ hand sewn/ shabby chic and has great prices! I mean how can you resist a store that has this sign outside?!
Well , It all started last Tuesday when I went over to get a good look at the door, I was in a rush and just caught a glimpse of the China Cabinet  (in the first picture) in passing. Well the more I thought about it, the more perfect it seemed like it would be for the Casablanca, So Thursday I went in and asked about it, got it for a song, and put money down!  Friday I paid the rest of the bill off and Saturday friend  Bryson helped me load it up in the truck and take it to the lake! The only sad part of this story is that in order to make room for the cabinet I had to bring the White radio in the kitchen home. Sounds silly I know, but that radio was the very first thing I took out to the Casablanca from town.
At first I was kind of worried, because I discovered when I got to the lake that the bottom part of the cabinet was three inches wider that the radio had been and might make things cramped, but it all fits perfectly!
The top part of the cabinet is now the new home for most of my Pyrex, on the water stained counter top of the buffet the people at Alley Cat painted it a forest green and added these painted leafs on either side-
The bottom (buffet) part of the Cabinet has two drawers and a two shelf chest underneath.
One of the little details on this piece is the two upper cabinet doors and the two doors on bottom all have  a key hole (for a key that has been long lost)
I'm going to try and find a key as all the locks are still intact, but if not I think I will take the locks off the back side, leave the key hole front and add glass pulls to the doors.
I think its perfect, the size is just right and the color of the carved wood is nice. I also like how it kind of brought the "1940's feel"  back into the kitchen, with the white appliances and chrome table it was starting to get a little to 50's for its 1943 roots.

Picture Perfect in every way.



  1. That looks great in your dining room...perfect scale for the wall. I like mixing my 40's and 50's...but I'm a cheeky monkey like that! ;)


  2. Nice curves on that hutch! I don't agree with the stenciling though. It looks fabbo with your bright Pyrex showcased!

  3. Hey Mick, great piece. In fact the whole place is really looking great.

  4. OH MY GOSH, THE perfect mid-century hutch for your PYREX collection!! LOVE IT!
    And your formica table & chairs are AWESOME!!
    You & I have SO much in common!


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