Friday, April 15, 2011

503, 502, 501 Done!

I finally got my fridge set finished! Valarie over at Vonlipis Favorites sent the yellow 503 to the Casablanca's Kitchen all the way from Canada! Missouri Michael over at Cul-de-sac Shack sent the blue  502 as a get well gift. (I just recently bought a scratched up 502, to get the lid.) Last but not least my mother gave me one of the red 501's and I found the other red 501 at the lake, and just recently found a lid to go on it for $0.33  in my favorite thrift store Value Village.
(Ta-Da! The 1950' Pyrex in its native habitat the 1952 Custom "Mamie Eisenhower Pink" Norge)
It now resides on this shelf, before I just had a Pyrex measuring cup, a small pitcher that looks just like one on "I Love Lucy", and the most important staple in any household, Prince Albert In A Can. But all that got moved to make way for the new "Fridgie" set!
Here they will wait to hold meatloaf leftovers, and green beans, and all kinds of home cooked goodies... Now the question is what to collect next?!
I've already scored a primary bowl set for $50, maybe some Pink Pyrex next or maybe some square Pyrex?

*  *  *
It was a beautiful weekend at the lake kind of windy but peaceful, I cant wait to not be tied up in shows and get a good long stay at the Casablanca. I've just finished with The Sound of Music, If you missed the post about the sets click the link and have a look, they are my best work yet! Even at the Casablanca I cant fully escape the Sound of Madness  Music, Sound of Music... I sat down at the piano messed around with the keys for a while only to discover it Really Is just as easy as the singing nun says!



  1. Please, I cannot take this sort of eye candy so early in the morning. Wow, so awesome!

  2. Cool Mick! I love me some Pyrex and Fire King! The colors are so cheerful. Much better than opening up a fridge and seeing old butter containers or cool whip plastic! Your music got me jumpin' and jivin' this morning, Thanks!!

  3. The colors are so perfect against that green background. New blog follower as every post and pic makes me jealous and I am a sucker for punishment (at least the kind that gives new ideas for what to shop for next).

  4. I love the fridge set! My super awesome papa bought me a complete set for Christmas (after I dound them at a yard sale and said hey dad, do you wanna buy me a Christmas gift...ha ha) They are the pride & joy of my kitchen! They sit atop a shelf awaiting left overs just like yours! BTW, your kitchen reminds me of the Emerald City!

  5. glad to see that you got the set completed! Looks good!

  6. What a great set, I don't think these were ever available in Australia. I seriously want to know what you'll collect next!

  7. Mick! You can't tell me that you aren't the reincarnation of a 1950's gentleman! Now can you.
    There is just something about Pyrex that defies explanation.


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