Monday, January 17, 2011


'Impossible, for a plain country bumpkin
to become a set designer, Imosspible.
 But the world is full of zanies and fools
who don't believe in sensible rules
and won't believe what sensible people say..
and because these daft and dewey eyed dopes,
 keep building up impossible hopes
 impossible things are happening every day!'

Before the the merriment and big news, Let me say Im sorry I haven't been around much! I want to catch up and comment on all of your blogs. My days now go something like this... I wake up go to work 9-5, go to the theater at 5:15-10:00, Leave the theater go home sleep and do it all over again. haha! Someday things will go back to normal... or will they!


As you will recall,  Iv'e been in two shows at the historic Wichita Theater. I helped "Happy Days" by bringing a slew of props, then was turned loose on the sets of It's A Wonderful Life and the theater owners/ managers were so impressed with my work they hired me!!!!!!  I am now Head of the Prop & Set Dressing/ Design departments, they've asked me to do all eight of the theater's major shows and help out on the other four "Jr. Productions".  Well my job started almost immediately after we'd finished talking, and as if the teaser title and theatre picture didn't give it away, my first project of 2011 is ....
I am SO excited to have this opportunity and this years theatre season some of our shows including, The Sounds of Music, Hairspray, The King and I, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, and.... White Christmas!!!!!! There might be a new segment here on Mick's "The Casablanca on Stage". Now I have to share with you the even bigger news...

"Even Bigger News"
If you've been following Mick's for close to a year you'll remember that back in March of 2010 I started doing community theater at the Backdoor Theater where I was in Jesus Christ Superstar, then during the summer had a blast as the Major General in The Pirates of Penzance. Well about a week ago the Backdoor theater held their annual  Genesius Awards, I wasn't nominated for anything but I went to see and cheer on all my theater friends but was taken totally buy surprise when I was awarded "Rookie of the Year"!
 Totally wasn't expecting it, (but secretly pining for it)  I had thank my good friend Janet she is the one who invited me to come be in Jesus Christ Superstar and got the ball rolling, I owe an awful lot to her! I have enjoyed every moment I've spent at Backdoor Theatre and hope for many many more! (You see Theatre's Backdoor and Wichita are on the same street in Wichita Falls)

Gosh Im busy, but Im as happy as a lark and im going to give it my all! I will do a post about working magic on the Set of Cinderella soon, I promise.



  1. Ask me if I am surprised? Not! Congratulations Mick. Now go do your thing!!

  2. Congrats!!

    Hey, lots of former "country bumpkins" making it big out here in Hollywood, don't let that stop you!

  3. So happy for you!! So well deserved...look what you have done with the Casablanca! And Rookie of the Year....Yay~ enjoy and can't wait to see more photos.

  4. Congratulations Mick!! It is a HUGE blessing in life to be doing what you love and making money doing it! LOL Seriously happy for you!

  5. Oh Mick! What happy news and a well deserved award! Y'know, Harrison Ford started out as a set designer...I'm just saying! Can't wait to see the sets to come!

  6. Congrats! I knew all along you had it in you!

    You the man! Now go and create!

  7. Dude! Congratulations! It's really awesome that you get to do something you really enjoy and are clearly recognized for.


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