Friday, January 28, 2011

Directors Letter Of Recomendation For Cinderella!!!!

To whom it may concern,

I am happy to write this letter of recommendation for Mickey Jordan.
I had the pleasure of working with Mickey on the set dressing for Wichita Theatre’s recent production of Roger & Hammerstein’s Cinderella. As the director of the show I had some clear ideas of what I needed for the set and a construction team that built the bones of it, but I was very open to the colors and style and the look it would eventually take.

In my initial meetings with Mickey I gave him the basics I needed and he took it from there and ran with it. He came back the next day with pictures and ideas and research he had done to make everything fit the time period we were basing it in and then got to work immediately. He organized a team to help him do the grunt work and before my eyes the set became a piece of art. He was very frugal and creative as he came up with faux finishes for the walls, spray painted pieces to fit the times, and detailed props and furniture to complete the sets authenticity and magical feel.
I enjoyed his cheerful attitude and he worked tirelessly to make sure I was satisfied. I was thrilled with the finished product and it has been met with great delight from our patrons and was specifically praised by the newspaper review.

I would highly recommend him to those seeking someone to dress the set of their production.

Joy Schaeffer, Director


You can see The sets she's talking about here....


  1. Congrats on the terrific recommendation! And what fantastic sets you did for Cinderella! :)

  2. Congrats! I love your work!

    Who knows we might see your name in a Broadway production one day and I will say ' I used to read his blog and I sent him a Pyrex, such a nice young man!'

  3. Do you have the newspaper clipping?


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