Monday, December 20, 2010

The Giveaway Winner!

First of all let me say I'm sorry. I know this post should have gone up LAST Monday but this close to Christmas things have busy!   But you've waited this long, so let me introduce you to our "Grand Prize Authority"- Mary.

(Mary in pink, has just finished her Wichita Theater debuting role as Ruth Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life)
I asked her to pick a number between 1-16 and she came back with 8! Maria Stahl over at Shallow Thoughts From Iowa Is our lucky winner!

Maria send your Mailing address to me in an email and I'll send your prize on its way!
Thank you everyone for entering and reading, I will try to get a few more posts in before the new year!


  1. Wow! Mick's alive! I thought maybe you'd gone into hiding :) - hmmm....maybe you should get your theater to do "The Hiding Place" or maybe "The Diary of Anne Frank".

    Anyway, congratulations, Maria!

  2. MEEEE????!!!! Woo-hoo! Thanks Mick. Email will follow shortly.

  3. (I came back just to sing "Mele Kalikimaka" with Bing again.)

  4. Well, Mick, no one is slower than me... I have been sending winner's gifts in waves for well over a month now. By the way, I got your groovy Casablanca Christmas card! Zoot

  5. Mick, I'm sorry, but the prize has not arrived. Did you have tracking on the package? I'm not complaining, I just don't want it to be lost!

  6. Mick... You forgot about me, didn't you? Waaaaah! (whine)


Tell me all about it!