Sunday, November 28, 2010

One Year later....

(Patricia, Caitlin, Caleb, Lydia, Brett)
So I've gotta say that I CANNOT BELIEVE its been one year since I started blogging.  It seems like yesterday that friend Colleen persuaded me to start blogging, but boy am I glad she talked me into it!  You see for the longest time I'd find cool old stuff and try and tell my friends about it most would say "Thats great!" and then wonder 'what the hell is it?'  others just didn't care, and after a while it was like riding a one of those plastic horses you find in front of groceries stores (going through the motions, but never getting anywhere...) haha.  Then everything changed, I started 'Everyone Goes to Mick's'  and I was ecstatic to get my first follower! (Missouri Micheal) then there was five, then seven and it just took off from there!  I'd like to thank all of you for coming along for the ride.  I've tried to make the posts entertaining and informative, most of all I try to post to you as if we were talking face to face... language, spelling, & inside jokes included! I've enjoyed getting to know all of you, and reading your posts. Since starting up the blog I have been accused of "putting on airs" for the readers, but in all honesty the two new things we started this year were"As Time Goes By", and the video segments "Here at Mick's" ... the rest was just business as usual.

Now I think a giveaway is in order.... but Im due at the Theater to help in the set of  "Its A wonderful Life" so you all will have to give me some time to throw the giveaway together!

Thanks again so much for reading and being apart of "Mick's" and the Casablanca!



  1. As your first follower, allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your 1 year blog birthday! I can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the years to come! Congratulations! And in the past year, Everyone Really Did Go to Mick's!

  2. I am so glad to have 'met' you Mick. You have fresh, young ideas about things yet are an ole retro soul yourself!!
    Look for ward to the next year as well. Good job.

  3. Congratulations on the one-year mark! I passed that a few weeks ago, and I totally agree, blogging lets us share great finds with others who get it.

  4. Happy one year! I love your blog because as an 'older' person I enjoy your take on things and your joy in the vintage! You remind me of my own children!

  5. Glad to have found your blig Mick. Keep up the great work, if you could call having fabulous parties and thrifting your heart out "work" :P Haha!

  6. May I just say its my total pleasure to be a Member of your blog! When I discovered your blog I was floored, I couldn't believe that some "kid" was doing so much cool vintage stuff! You blew my mind, and still do!! Keep it comin'!

    P.S. Did you ever get the artwork I emailed you for the membership cards?

  7. Congratulations on one year! Just discovered you actually...:-)

  8. Congratulations on your first blogiversary. I have not made it to one year yet, but time passes quickly.

  9. YAY!!!! Congrats Mick!

    Keep up the good work!

    All the best,


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