Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Its Begining To Look A Lot Like Thanksmass..."

This Sunday marks the last social event of the season for the Casablanca. (there might be one more surprise event left before it gets to cold).   Last Sunday friend Brittani helped decorate the house for the event, truth be told I fixed the table and put the aluminum tree together and she did the rest haha! 
We found a recipe for "dough ornaments" that you make, bake, paint and hang on the tree, so Brittani whipped up a batch and they will be painted after dinner this Sunday!
 Thanksmass is hands down my favorite get together. I know i've explained its origins in recent posts, however I don't think most people catch how formal an event this is! A few people who are on the guest list  cannot seem to grasp that this is an 'up to do and fancy' not just another party haha.  Last year several members of the Casablanca asked me 'why so formal?'  and my answer was...
"Because almost every party during the season I don't care if you act wild and crazy, or swing from the chandelier, but I'm gonna get one damn event of you people where we dress, look, and act like civil, model people."
(As you can see the table takes a more formal setting)
This year its set for 16 guests, and its a packed house!  I had to buy five more Frankoma dishes bringing my collection to 16. (I some day hope to have a full set for 20 people)  
( My grandmother made this angel, and he hangs over the kitchen sink we call him Clarance )
(Our cardboard fire place I fashioned out of an old Christmas Budweiser display)
(The Den shaping up in fine form)
This year one of our after dinner Thanksmass activities is trimming the tree. In a perfect world all 16 of us would make like the "Walton's" and lovingly trim the tree while telling stories and sipping cider. However... I have a feeling  we'll just be a bunch of smart asses!
(On the Coffee table,  'Quick" magazine dating December 24 1950,  Christmas Carols record 1946, Merry Christmas Bing record, & Christmas with Arthur Godffrey)
 Tune in next week for our "Thanksmass Special" brought to you by the Casablanca Hotel & Resort!



  1. It's beginning to look a lot know the rest! One of these days Mick you are going to be inundated with the likes of your 'followers'! lol
    This would be so much fun.

  2. ohhh that looks so amazing, cosy, fun and warm wish i could come. Its smashing i don't know the reasons why you celebrate thanks giving but the setting looks fab...have loads of fun ;-)) Dee

  3. Don't forget the holiday cocktail napkins I sent last year. They're probably stuffed in a cupboard somewhere if you're anything like me.

  4. Nothin better than smart asses decorating a tree! My kind of event for sure.

  5. Yay for Thanksmas! Seriously, why is it so hard to get people to dress up these days? Its a special occasion, so dress up especially nice, lol. Can't wait to hear the recap of Thanksmas. Have a good one Mick!


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