Monday, November 1, 2010

All Right, All Right Point And Laugh At The Consumer...

This dear readers, is NOT a Christmas tree...It's a THANKSMASS TREE!   

Now that the wax from our jack-o-lanterns has just hardened up, Its nearly time for one of my favorite Casablanca holidays!  
 (A little history)
"Thanksmass" - Is a special time of year when select members of the Casablanca gather for one last formal affair before the season end.  This event was born in 2008 when I had tried to plan a Thanksgiving dinner for my friends, 12  R.S.V.P'ed for the event but as the dinner hour of 7:00 P.M. drew closer more and more of them started backing out and blowing off the plans. So before I left home to the lake I grabbed my sisters 3 foot Christmas tree and swore to myself in all the frustration that I was NOT going to have  a Christmas Party, and I would "kill two birds with one stone". Well in the end only one guest showed up, my friend Jordan kept his word about coming to dinner (and that meant the world to me) we ate, watched something on the drive-In, and Thanksmass was born!

*  *  *
This brings us to Friday night.
Patricia and I went to walmart to buy a tree. Yes I KNOW we bought a tree before Halloween was even over... trust me we got several "I cannot believe those Idiots are buying a tree this early look"  (at one point I wanted to walk up to a guy point and Patricia and says "Shes dying, she may not even get to SEE christmas this year!") None the less we bought a 6.5 foot green fir with multi-colored lights.
Saturday Patricia, myself and friend Lydia headed out to the lake to try out the new tree and finish cleaning up the Halloween mess, or make a bigger one?!
(Patricia wanted to carve a pumpkin)
 (And with help from Lydia, and Myself we got it done!)

We had a wonderful afternoon of pumpkin carving, baking, trivial pursuit, and planning for Thanksmass on Nov. 14th!
Now its "beginning to look a lot like Thanksmass"! I promise to hold off on the Christmas music...for now...
Please bare with me this week Happy Days the musical opens this Friday! (remember im playing Ralph Malph) So all my spare time this week will be spent at the theater!



  1. Love it, Love It, LOVE IT!! And of course break a leg and have fun!

  2. I like the sound of Thanksmas. If the greeting card industry hears about it, we may all be celebrating it! About the tree, is is silly you bought a tree before Halloween, or silly that they are even out on the shelves yet? So there!

  3. Mom had Christmas up from October until Valentines Day! So love the Thanksmass idea lol...

    Break a leg, you always have the most fun!

  4. Love the Thanksmass idea! I may steal it.
    I just found your blog and have already read all of the archives. You crack me up! We used to go to Lake Kemp so I know where you are. Love, love your drive-in at the lake - it is too cute.


Tell me all about it!