Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Now Lets Get This Pyrex Stuff Right...

Well dear readers,
While we wait on the pirate party videos to be finalized I'd like to share some Pyrex news!
As I mentioned a few posts back, I have started collecting the 1950's "Fridgie" Pyrex Containers and the ever so gracious VonLip over at  Vonlipi's Favorites   sent the yellow container all the way from Canada to help me get started! I discovered to my delight that I already have one of the small red containers, but its missing its lid. Well the Monthly flea market where I spotted the other Pyrex is open again this weekend, (naturally were planning a pit stop by there) and Im going to try and get this blue loaf container...
Along with one of these little red containers seen on the right side of this collection ...
I hoping ot maybe give $20 for both the blue loaf pan and the other small red one with a lid, and maybe just maybe find a lid for my red one!  

My Question is: Is a full set of fridge containers  1 yellow base, 1 blue loaf, and 2 small reds?
 And is there a number or pattern mark I need to look for? (Because I want the real McCoy....well actually Pyrex)

What do you Pyrex experts have to say?!



  1. happy collecting! i love collecting pyrex. often times i will run into a lid on its own at goodwill. sometimes i snatch these up since the pyrex i do find normally has lost its top.
    on the flip side, Fireking also made some nice casserole and fridge dishes...I love their jadeite.

  2. Mick your set will be fab when complete. I don't know the answer to your question but I bet Vonlipi does! I may just have to look for some of those this weekend on the World's Longest Yard Sale.

  3. Here I am to the rescue!

    Ok the yellow one I sent you is known as a 503 (the stamp is under), the blue one is a 502 and the small red one is a 501. All those numbers are the same for all Pyrex fridgie set.

    So for a full set of Primary (pattern name) refrigerator dishes you need a yelow 503, a blue 502 and 2 red 501s.

    I hope that helps! Anyways if you need just send me an email and I'll be glad to answer all your questions :)

    Have fun at the flea my friend!

  4. I also snap up fridgie lids whenever I find them since even if you buy a dish with a lid they're oftentimes chipped. I have a ton of fridge dishes, some in primary colors and some in patterns and I just found that big yellow one at an antique mall for $9. I actually prefer collecting the mixing bowls, though, and love to put sets together over time. I finally completed a pink & white Gooseberry set and it sold almost immediately--the buyer got a 10% discount and I had to pay 10% commission to the mall owner AND the $2.82 credit card charge (that just pisses me off) but I still wound up making a 50% profit over what I paid for all the bowls. I don't collect any Pyrex that says it's microwave-safe since that immediately says it's not truly vintage but that's just me. Are you going to be like Michael and actually use the fridgies or be like me and just stare at them and love them? And I just realized that I will have a full set of primary fridgies if I can find one more red one. Cool!

  5. One more thing: if you haven't already discovered it, there's a great Pyrex website called that is just a treasure trove of information. FYI.

  6. Chris, Im gonna use them! haha and they will be on display in the Norge when im not haha! I just wish they were oven proof like the casserole dishes then I could back and put it right in the fridge lol.

  7. These are so much fun to collect. I get very excited when I find a colour I don't have. And like Christine, I have a passion for the 'real' ones. Have you ever noticed that some are from Canada too? Maybe you wouldn't get those in the US.Never knew what made up a 'set'....thanks Vonlipi.

  8. I have that exact blue loaf one! Is that what it is! I put butter in it...

  9. They're lovely! I've yet to find a "fridgie"!!! I'm starting to think they didn't sell them here in Australia, I've never seen one! Love your blog!


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