Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ahhhh Summer Time.

Just a quick post today as I get ready for the opening of Pirates of Penzance  I promise tomorrow I will have pictures of my costumes, AND dear readers I will be appearing on the radio! I will try and link the live feed of the station where you all can log on and watch at 9:30 A.M.  Central and hear me talk abotu the show (maybe even sing!)



  1. what station are you going to be on?

  2. Oh Man I love those post cards! Break a leg!

  3. Break a leg! You will be totally FAB i'm sure.

    I hope I get to hear you on the radio!

    Beautiful post cards! ;)

  4. Oh wow!! How can we tune in?? You'll do great! Zootsuitmama


Tell me all about it!