Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"The Real Housewives of Casablanca County"

Now that the title has your attention, I must confess the pictures in this post will be a LOT like reality TV... ya know? Mostly staged, *Disclaimer* All of these lovely young ladies are NOT married, the Casablanca is NOT in its own county (I'm still waiting to hear back from the state of Texas on that one), and these girls are NOT middle aged women who wrote in to HBO and said "hey lest put our backstabbing, over priced, alcoholic, suburban ways on your network"  But here are a few "domestic" themed pictures my friends Emily, Kelcie, and Lydia snapped during "As Time Goes By"!
(Little Miss Kelcie has been slaving in front of a hot stove all day!)
(Miss Lydia is expecting 'Two for Tea')
(Miss Emily Rain, model much?!)
("We might not have 2 television sets, but we have a High Fidelity in the Kitchen")
("Hotter than the 4th of July")
But our Delightful Domestics grow restless! Who wants to be stuck in a hot kitchen all day? So they load up in the family's new SECOND Sedan and head off to the local Drive-In.
(This will be a postcard soon)

(Kelcie, Caleb, & Andrew)

(Kelcie, Caleb, Lydia)
(Disa, Kelcie, and Corey)

And now some Domestic pictures from the Casablanca Vault (HA! You just thought Disney could use that line!)
(Miss Brandi )
"By The Sea"
(Staged by Mick J, Photographed by Carter W, Model  Brandi E)
Thus ends our reel of highlights in the day of an adverage housewife in Casablanca County...



  1. Mick - You forgot credits for hair, makeup and costume. We already know you're the set designer. :) Pam @ Sallygoodin

  2. What a bunch of 'neat' characters you have as friends!

  3. Love the photos!!! Looks like somebody knows how to live life right ;)


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