Friday, May 28, 2010

One Hundred, Thousand, Million ... and Counting!

What a DAY!
We've been working like Crazy here at the Casablanca to get ready for "As Time Goes By"  in about 3 weeks! (can you believe its coming up that quick!)  Last night my friend Dutch and I drove out to the lake so we could get an early start today.
This morning when I got up I made homemade 'Kolanchies' with hot dogs and biscuits...

Then it was time to get to work! Here's a before picture, you'll have to forgive me because I didn't get an after picture before the sun went down.

Dutch and I had 3 major projects for today that iv'e been meaning to do a one hundred different times, 1) Get the 1st coat of paint on the house. 2) Screen the two windows in the bedroom. 3) Take the old TV antenna down off the house. We started around 8:30  on the painting, we scrapped and slapped on the paint down one half of the house, at lunch I screened the 'rear windows' which makes keeping the bugs out a thousand times better and by 4 we were scraping and painting again!  However its starting to show, just with the first good coat of paint the house already looks like a million bucks!
(Felix supervised...)
The last project of the evening  was taking down the TV antenna.  Its been up there since before I moved in and had NEVER worked, so I made the executive decision that it was time for the eyesore to come down. NOw a few of you might say "well maybe you could fix it, or get a new antenna" and I'd have to decline.  Call me Crazy but I can watch TV 5 days a week at home in town, when at the lake its all about outdoors and nostalgia!  having a dvd player hooked up to the TV watching a movie or "I Love Lucy" is one thing  but regular programing I can do without! 
(Dutch preparing to take the antenna down)

Just 3 little projects made a WORLD of difference to the place!  You wouldn't think a 50 ft pole in the air would really take away from anything, but now that its gone ITS LIKE THE SKY HAS OPENED UP! It's looking good and we'll be ready to welcome all our guest  come the 19th!  Well iv got to go to bed because that 2nd coat of paint isn't going to put itself on the house! 



  1. Mick, I've not long discovered your blog, but you are a freaking legend! GO BOY GO!

  2. Dutch looks quite fetching with his 50 foot pole.

    You are so lucky to have a friend who will help out with the MAJOR fix-up stuff!!!!

  3. Still haven't decided if I'm staying in a motel or attempt to bring my camper....Cant wait!! You are so industrious..Zootsuitmama

  4. I can't wait to see all of the fun you all are going to have, I wish there was going to be a live feed of it or something :)

  5. Great fix ups! The place is already looking fantastic!!

  6. Wow you are putting a lot into this! And I agree with Chris. Dutch looks good with that 50 foot pole lol...

    Are you sure you want to get rid of the old TV antenna? Around here, mid-century TV antennas are being replaced with satellite dishes, so much so that TV antennas are becoming obsolete. They are a staple of mid-century design!


    Ha ha ha. OK, so you don't have to use it, but just keep it around. You may change your mind later. =)

    I sure wish I could go and be part of the fun, but I am looking forward to several posts about the fun that everyone has at your amazing place!

  7. I'm totally gonna try to make those hot dog thingies with veggie dogs...probably won't be as good but Its worth a try! I like the idea of a live stream video cast of the party! You can stream live through facebook now. Do you have any techno-savvy friends? I wnna get those records to ya before the party too. Wish I could attend!


Tell me all about it!