Thursday, April 29, 2010

Since I've Been Gone...

So sorry to not blog for 3 days!

But with Finals at school coming up iv been studying like crazy, Today I was in Dallas on some business but I was also there for the "Pate Swap Meet" at Texas Motor Speed way. I'll have a post about it soon, it will be one filled with mainly pictures of classic cars that I saw. But here's the important stuff!

My Name is Mickey Jordan.... and I have a Junk Problem...
It started with the Drive-In speaker... it was $10 (and they haven't been that cheap since I was 11) and that's rare since now they go for $16- $25. Trust me you can never have to many Drive-In Speakers!  It was funny because as I was paying for it the guy standing next to the person I was paying said "Your Gonna pay for that?" I said "...yeah..." Guy "We used to STEAL THOSE! Hahahah!"  Next I found the plastic blue bed lamp, I think it might be 1950's or older ? I bashed my current fiber glass all to pieces  (bad dream) so I will be putting a new light kit on this one! And last I found the out door lights. To Be honest I bought them more for Retro Keith than I did myself. I remember a post he did a while back he was looking for period outdoor lighting, I wasn't sure if he was looking for motion sensory lights or just lights period.. and for $5 I can use them somewhere if its not what he's looking for. BUT the find of the day,( fueling my lawn furniture addiction)  was this...
He wanted $50 and I talked it down to $30! I know it doesn't look like much but it completes a set that I have been getting. I have 2 orange chairs that match this bench.
(one of them pictured here)
However the Orange color fades SUPER fast in the Texas sun... so the bench may end up being (white is what I have in mind) or maybe a dark green?

*  *  *
I am also excited about tomorrow night!
THAT'S RIGHT! Its Rocky Horror Picture Show night at the Flamingo Drive-In! It looks like were gonna have a pretty good crowd, iv been working on stuff for it all last week and will be doing a post about how it goes down Friday night on Saturday! So I will leave you with this....Dusk at the Flamingo Drive-In...


  1. LOL about the drive-in speaker. My dad has one somewhere (that I need to get my hands on before Mom throws it away some day) that he forgot to take off the car at our local drive-in (the one that I blogged about today turning 60 years old). Needless to say, when you forget to take one off the car door, it will come right along with you for the ride!

  2. i cant wait to see what you do with the lawn bench!!!

  3. Oh man, I went through a serious RHPS phase in H.S. - I saw some theater letters at a flea market last weekend, the big plastic marquee type. Is that what you have on the side of the house? I LOVE LOVE LOVE your drive in. I think you have inspired some emulators in the bloggy world. Have Fun!

  4. Mick! The lights! I am emailing you now!!

  5. I got my computer back today and your blog was one of the first ones I visited! I totally remember those awful speakers--if you were stuck in the way back part of the station wagon you couldn't hear the sound but if you complained then Mom would inform everyone in the car that we would have to leave because SOMEONE was whining. Boy, did that make you popular within the family.

  6. You know, according to my mother, I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture show at least 25 times. Don't tell her, but I've never seen it! I just used it as an excuse to stay out past curfew!

  7. Hey Chickens! I did that too, only with "Gone with the Wind"! Well, I had ta pick a LONG stay out longer. Mick, that's so cool - I can't wait to show my first movie. It's a little cool tonight, but soon! Zootsuitmama


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